Korkeasaari - Helsinki Zoo
City: Helsinki
Country: Finland
Region: Uusimaa
Opend 1889
Species 150
At the Helsinki Zoo in Korkeasaari, you travel from tundra to rainforest and from foreign mountain peaks to domestic wetlands. The 150 animal species and almost 1000 plant species truly show the diversity of nature. In order to protect this diversity, they raise endangered species at the Zoo. They also participate in the work to protect the habitats in the original homes of the various species. In the Africasia’s and Amazonia’s tropics the summer lasts all year. The sharp cries of parakeets and little monkeys running along treetops lead you into the depths of the Amazonian rain forest. You tune yourself into the slow rhythms of life in the African semi-desert together with the cold-blooded lizards and turtles. In the Indonesian jungles, you may be startled by a bright green snake uncoiling on a branch, or a stick-and-leaf insect, or the hiss of a cockroach. You can take a peak into the barrenness of the Himalayan mountain tops and highlands together with snow leopards, takins, wild horses, camels, Asiatic asses, miniature pandas and markhors. A mountain tour is available for you through the way of life of ibexes, bearded vultures, Rocky Mountain goats and the guanacos of the Andes. Arctic survivors such as the musk ox, snowy owl and European forest reindeer do not mind the slight frosts of the winter. The Amur tigers, leopards and lynxes in the Cat Valley are all used to snowy and wintery conditions in their homelands. Most of the animals at the Helsinki Zoo are happy to stay outdoors throughout the year. Old villas, stone castles and peacocks strolling in the park take you on a tour through time to the years when the zoo was founded 120 years ago. You can picnic on the cliff tops by the seashore like visitors throughout the times have enjoyed doing.
Vis stort kort
Last visit 2015
Högholmens djurgård
PB 4600
SF 00099 Helsinki
Phone nr 09-310-1615
Open minimum 10am-4pm, closed 24th december
Adult 23,- Euro
Child 16,- Euro
Annual card
Adult: 65 Euro
Child: 30 Euro
Kids will love the play grounds and the petting zoo
Everything started back in the beginning of the 19th century, where the citizens of Helsinki used the island as aplace for retreat and hiking. Lieutenant Fabricitius visited the Zoo of Copenhagen and Stockholm to look at if a Zoo in Helsinki was a good idea, he thought it was . So a zoo was added to a restaurant at Korkeasaari and opened in 1889. The animals though arrived befor, like brown bears in 1888 and the first polar bear arrived 1890. Most of the animals in the beginnig where donations, like a Bactrian camel, roe deer and pheasants. In world war I food was scaese and new animals could not be bought. There for at the end of the war in 1919 the economy collapsed and the zoo was taken over by the city. In the 1930's the first houses could be build like the monkey hill from 1935. With the out break of World War II food again got scarse and a aquarium was the target of a bomb. First in the 1950's the zoo could be rebuild. In 1952 a bear castle opened, in 1956 a monkey house and 1964 the first cat valley opened. Un til 1974 you only could reach the zoo by ferry, then a vridge was build - the present though is from 2004.
Map 2015
Map 2020
Map 2025
After paying the entrance fee we walk the way on the right to the ferry terminal and the turn left till we reach the Asianlions. This is the beginning of the cat valley, home to palls cat, Amur tiger, snow leopards and lesser pandas. On your right hand you then meet the otter and the European mink. At the raven we turn right and then follw the enclosure for rein deer. Then its time to meet the eagle owl, wolverine and Mishimi takin. At the wisent we turn left and the right to se the funny Barbary macaques. Behind theire enclosure we find the Prezewalski's horse and the kulan. In this area we also find the Bahral. Passing the restaurant we get to Amazonia, home to macaws, poison-arrow frogs, caimans and monkeys, like the white-headed saki. The house is connected internal to Africasia house, a place you especially meet reptiles. Outside again we have on the right Seychel giant tortoise. Across we find vicugnas, a house for poultry and behind it wallabies and the emu. Then its time to look at the Bactrian camel and the Persian gazelle. Theire neighbours are the David's deer and Mountain goat. Across we find aviaries for water fowl and after a while we then meet the skunk. On the right then are brown bears and a bit up the hill Steller's sea eagle. Going up to the snowy owls again we see theire neighbours, the musk ox. Walking a while we meets owld and after a while a house for waders. Going arround the rock we then meet more owls, raccoons and rabbits. Going down to the water we se bearded vulture, markhors and the Alpine ibex.
DE: Dieser Zoo zeigt insbesonders Nordische Tiere wie den Waldren und Moschusochsen, immer populär ist auch das Katzentahl und interessant die Blauschafe und Persische gazellen
DK: Denne have viser især nordiske dyr som skovrensdyret og muskusokser, altid populær er også kattenes dal og interessant er blåfåret og de persiske gazeller