City: Barquisimeto
Country: Venezuela
State: Lara
Opend 24th July 1937 (the Zoo 21st September 1967)
Species 185
In the park there's the flagship collection of trees indigenous to the country, as well as a collection of 2,175 animals, where 65% of them are endangered. Bararida Park spectacled bears, which is the only real bear in Latin America as well as South Amarican Tapirs and is the first zoo in Venezuela that shows Manatees. It is the second Venezuelan zoological institution after Chorros de Milla Zoo in Merida, which can reproduce the Condor of the Andes, but currently has the only breeding pair in Venezuela, in addition, the zoo also has breed aras for the first time in a Venezuelan zoo and on several occasions Anacondas, helmeted curassow and chimpanzees, among others. It also shows white Bengal Tigers.
Service given
Open : minimum 9am-5.30pm
Entrace fee: Yes
For kids: Playgrounds and pettingarea
Food: The Zoo has a place where you can get a snack
Taking photos: Is allowed, if publiciesed, please mention the zoo on your homepage
Phone number 0251-252.47.74
Fax number (0251)2523577.
Address: Parque Zoologico Bararida, Av. Libertador. Barquisimeto. Estado Lara, Venezuela
Where to finde the Park:
I don't have any guides of this zoo. Does any body know if they made some guides? And where I can get any guides of this Zoo?
In the years 1962, 1987 and 2012 they had theire anniversarrys. Have they made any books on this occassion?