City:Santiago de los Caballeros de Merida
Country: Venezuela
State: Merida
Opend 27th October 1953
Species 160
Has an interesting collection of animals, some native to the region and other donated or acquired from other zoos in the country or abroad, in addition to a lush flora. Comprised of approximately 15 hectares, 6 of which are forests. The natural scenery is lush and dense trees and vegetation. Located at the foot of a ravine with a beautiful waterfall Mile River, which becomes a gentle waterfall running through the approximately 15 meters in length. Founded in 1953, is currently associated with another zoo, the Metropolitan Zoo in Cleveland, Ohio-US Quarterly, Cleveland Zoo staff meets with the Merida Zoo staff to exchange ideas and offer assistance. This partnership began in December 1997 and together they are developing two major projects: The first is called: Spectacled Bear, and aims to build a habitat to protect this famous bear species in South America only. The second project involves the design and construction of a large cage to protect the Condor of the Andes in a conditioned space for visitors, where trained staff can guide and lead the visitors at a time to explain about this magnificent animal dam which is only found in the Andes mountains. The complete plan is that the zoo contains only plant and animal species native to the region and presented in this rainforest environment. With the rich habitat that exists around this would not be difficult.
Service given
Open : minimum 8am-6pm
Entrace fee: Yes
For kids: Playgrounds and pettingarea
Food: The Zoo has a place where you can get a snack
Taking photos: Is allowed, if publiciesed, please mention the zoo on your homepage
Phone number (274) 244 3864
Address: Parque Zoologico Chorros de Milla, Final Avenida Chorros de Milla. Sector Norte. Mérida - Venezuela.
Where to finde the Park:
I don't have any guides of this zoo. Does any body know if they made some guides? And where I can get any guides of this Zoo?
In the years 1978 and 2003 they had theire anniversarrys. Have they made any books on this occassion?