Aquaria KLCC
Homepage - Aquaria KLCC
City: Kuala Lumpur
Country: Malaysia
Province: Federal Territory
Opend 2005
Species 250
The Aquaria featurs 60,000 sq ft (6,000 m²) in two levels with a 90-metre long underwater tunnel. Beside fishes like sharks, rays, piranhas and electrical eels, you see turtels, octopuses, coatimundi, otters and nutrias
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Last visit 2023
Aquaria KLCC Aquarium
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Complex
Kuala Lumpur City Centre
Kuala Lumpur
Phone number 2333 1888
Fax-number 2380 0069
Construction for Aquaria KLCC started in 2003. It was officially opened in August 2005.
Opened 10am - 8 pm
Adult MyKad 52,- MYR
Child MyKad 42,- MYR
Adult international: 75,- MYR
Child international: 65,- MYR
Map 2011
Map 2015
After paying the entrance fee we enter the evolution zone with Piranhas and lungfish. Going up the stream meeting raccoons and the Asian small-clawed otter. Going down the ocean we meet the shipwreck with dragon fish, arapaima and stonefish. Heading to the coast with archer fish. Lets then look at the living ocean with sharks, rays and moray eels. At last station aquarius looking like a labatory with clown fish, sea horses and pinecone fish
DE: Kuala Lumpurs grösstes Aquarium zeigt insbesonders tropische Fische, aber auch Kurzkrallenotter und Waschbären
DK: Kuala Lumpurs største akvarium viser især tropiske fisk. Men også Asiatiske dværgodder og vaskebjørne