Zoo Santo Inácio
Homepage - Zoo Santo Inácio
City: Avintes
Country: Portugal
Region: Norte
Opend 10th June 2000
Species 200
Here you will find animals like the Snowy Owls, Humboldt penguins, pygmy hippos, spider monkeys, Crocodile, Deer of the Philippines and Tarantulas, among many other animals. Every day you can watch Animal demonstrations, such as Birds of Prey, Reptiles and feeding the Penguins. The garden also has a beautifull manor house, wich you can get a tour at. There are an insectarium and a terrarium
Vis stort kort
Last visit 2024
Zoo Santo Inácio
Rua 5 de Outubro
4430-809 Avintes
V. N. de Gaia
Phone number 22 787 85 00
Fax number 22 787 85 17
E-mail: info@zoosantoinacio.com
Open minimum 10am-4.30pm
Entrance fee
Adult 18,80 Euro
Child 15,60 Euro
Zoocard (Annual card)
Adult 45,- Euro
Child 30,- Euro
There are several daily feeding shows, for the time please ask at the till station.
Located in Avintes, Vila Nova de Gaia, Zoo Santo Inácio was founded by a nature-loving family, belonging to the Aveleda group. In 2000, it opened its doors, aiming to "bring the community closer to Nature and Wildlife, raising awareness of the growing importance of the Conservation of Fauna and Flora Species around the World". In 2014, Zoo Santo Inácio became part of the Thoiry Group, strengthening the movement in favor of Nature Conservation, joining zoos such as: Parc Zoologique et Château de Thoiry, Parc et Château du Colombier and Safari Parc de Peaugres.
Map 2011
Map 2015
Map 2020
Map 2024
After paying the entrance fee we meet the meerkats. Following their enclosure we enter the tropical house with several bird species and terrariums. The we meet the prarie dogs. At the Asian herbivores enclosre we turn left. Left again we have a small farm with rabbits, horses, goats and many more. Back to the Asian herbivores we turn left to meet monkeys, red pandas and the we enter the lemurs' forest. Then we meet the Aur tiger. Across are the oriental clawless otters. Behind the tiger we find lions, spotted hyenas and the lynx. Across we meet the African wild dogs. Following the the 2 savannahs we pass Bactrian camels and cheetahs. Lets then enter the wallaby enclosure. Outside again we meet the flamingos, the turning left. Walking along the red ruffed lemurs and some monkeys we meet the pygmy hippo. Lets then look at exotic birds of prey. Walking around the llama enclosure meeting maras and South Amering Tapirs. Always fun are the following Humboldt's penguins, which are living next door to the snow leopards. Entering the nocturnal animals house we meet bats, sugar gliders and reptiles. Outside again we meet wallabies and at the Nyala we take a sharp turn to see aviaries for eagles, cranes and storks. Across is an island for ringtailed lemurs
DE: Der Zoo zeigt Tiger, Nyala und Nashörner. Er verfügt über ein Tropenhaus und ein Nachttierhaus
DK: Haven viser tiger, nyala og næsehorn. Den råder over et tropehus og en natdyrhus