Aquario Vasco da Gama
Map 2011
City: Lisbon
Country: Portugal
Province: Lisbon
Opend 1898
Species 200
Go to this cosy aquarium with 55 tanks and learn about birds and mammals on the upper floor
Vis stort kortLast visit 2024
Aquário Vasco da Gama
Rua Direita do Dafundo
1495 - 718 Cruz Quebrada - Dafundo
Phone number 21 4196337
Fax number 21 4193911
Open 10am-6pm
Adult 7,- Euro
Child 3,50 Euro
Family* 18,- Euro
*Family ticket are valid for 2 adults and 2 children, each additional child is 3,- Euro
The Vasco da Gama Aquarium project was conceived in the context of the celebrations of the "IV centenary of the departure of Vasco da Gama, for the discovery of the Maritime Route to India", with the support of Charles I of Portugal, pioneer of Oceanography in the country. The land on which it was built was provided by the Ministry of Public Works and the works. It was under the responsibility of the Executive Committee of the Fourth Centenary of the Discovery of the Sea Route to India and was supervised by the scientist Albert Girard. It was inaugurated on May 20, 1898, in the presence of the sovereign. In addition to the species that he would normally exhibit, the zoological collections gathered during the oceanographic campaigns that the monarch had undertaken aboard the royal yacht "D. Amélia" were on display. Initially, it had only one floor, and a second floor was added around 1916, when it benefited from major renovations. In 2021, the aquarium stopped having large marine animals. In the old tank of the sea lions, a new valence called "Window to the Ocean" opened, a space that is a totally interactive room and thinking about the youngest. The works of this room lasted a year and represent an investment of 300 thousand euros, supported by the Navy. A mini amphitheatre was made with an interactive mega screen measuring 7.25 meters long by 2.70 meters high, in which children can interact with the screen with various educational films, not only about the characteristics of the fish that are there, but also with aspects related to the oceans and their conservation.
Entering the park we have a pond of koi. After paying the entrance fee we have a tunnel of 19 small aquariums with each 100 liters. It is arranged in sequence, displaying the increasing complexity that separates the most primitive forms (sponges) from the more evolved ones (echinoderms and chordates). From here we can go to the upper floor seing stuffed birds and mammals of the sea - like knowledge about the Mediterranean monk seal. Going down again we have an interactive room for children. Next to it we find in the middle a turtle pond. Surrounding it are some big aquariums. To the left we have 35 aquariums with both tropical and exotic fish. Opposite we have a walkway to 4 other aquariums and can then exit through the cafe.
DE: Dieses Aquarium zeigt viele Arten in 55 Aquarien. Auf der oberen etage gibt es ein kleines Zoologisches Museum das die Artenvielfallt des Mittelmeeres zeigt
DK: Dette akvarium viser mange arter i 55 akvarier. På den øvre etage er et lille zoologisk museum der viser Middelhavets artsmangfoldighed.