City: Bern
Country: Switzerland
Province: Bern
Opend 1937
Species 200
This zoo called animalpark tryes to give theire animals big enclosures and a lot of it, you can se free of charge. The entrancefee is payed at the vivarium, where you meet the few exotic animals this park has, since its mostly shows nordic animals like the musc ox and woodreindeer frome the wild of scandinavia
A short history for Dählhölzli
1873 a small zoo with deer and bison was created below the Bierhübeli Engehalde. 1900 William Gabus , watchmakers in Le Locle,donated to the city of Bern 150 000 CHF to establish an animal park. In 1937 the Dählhölzli was opened. The first director of the zoo was veterinarian, Dr. Paul Badertscher. 1938 they chose the young zoologist Heini Hediger, as Dr. administrator. He was responsible for the Dählhölzli to 1943. From 1943 to 1969, Ms. Professor Monika Meyer-Holzapfel desided the fate of the zoo. The number of animal species in the vivarium is enlarged, outside it, new enclosure where erected. "The animal park Dählhölzli is the Berners Zoo", which was the motto of Prof. Hannes Sägesser, zoo director from 1979 until his death suddenly in January 1991. At the time of the fifth administrator, Dr. Max Müller (1991-1996), a trend toward exotic animals took place (Wallaby, capybara). In 1997, Dr. Bernd Schildger became director of the zoo Dählhölzli. He heads the zoo with the motto: "More space for fewer animals" - for the sake of the animals and the joy of the people!
Last visited 2020
Tierpark Dählhölzli
Tierparkweg 1
CH-3005 Bern
Phone number 0357 15 15
Fax number 0357 15 10
Opened minimum 9 am - 5 pm
Entrance fee
Annual card (valid 12 month frome buying date)
* Familly-cards are valid for 2 parents/grandparents and 4 kids
For kids there is a petting area and several playgrounds
If we are going first to the vivarium, befor enterink the Building we meet the Flamingo. Inside we first se the Cottontop Tamarin, this house also has a lot of different Reptiles and fishes. Outside we meet the Harbour Seal and turn left. The first enclosure we meet is for the Moose and afterwards the Persian Leopard in a huge aviary. Across we have the enclosures for Musc Ox and Finnish Forest Reindeer. In this area you also meet the Ussuri Brown Bear, a subspecies of the Brown Bear you really rarely meet in captivity. Going on the boardwalk the we look at a enourmos enclosure for the Red Deer and the Wisent. Going back to the house we have an aviary for nordic birds like the puffin. Now goin right and at the first left we first animals like the Lynx, then down the stairs turning left, we meet the Ibex and the Chamois. Turning now 180 degrees we are passing enclosures for Otters and Pelican among others. The last area is for pets, here you meet animals like the Donkey, Alpacas and pygmy goats, that kids will love to pet.
DE: Dieser kleine Hauptstadtzoo zeigt insbesondere nordische Tiere wie Moschusochsen, Elchen und Papageientaucher. Viele der Gehege kann man frei sehen, nur der Abteil mit einem Vivarium kostet Eintrit
DK: Denne lille hovedstadszoo viser især nordiske dyr som moskusokser, elge og lunde. Mange af anlægene kan man se gratis, kun afdelingen med et større vivarium koster entre