City: Kerzers
Country: Switzerland
Canton: Fribourg
Opend 1988
Species 100
Visit the pailiorama with it's butterfly's, the nocturama with it's noctural animals like the ocelot, the swiss butterfly garden with the local butterflys, the athropodarium with it's insects, the petting zoo and the jungle trek, showing a part of the jungle of Belize
The Papiliorama was born in the fertile minds of its creators, Maarten Bijleveld van Lexmond, a Dutch biologist, and his wife Catheline. Built originally in 1988 in the Canton of Neuchâtel, the first Papiliorama was destroyed by fire on the 1st of January 1995. Thanks to a nationwide solidarity movement, the Papiliorama was completed only nine months later that same year. Due to a lack of space in its original location, which prevented any extension, the Papiliorama moved in 2003 to Kerzers, in the canton of Fribourg, in the heart of the Three Lake region. Papiliorama is a charitable non-profit organisation, which aims at raising awareness about the fate of tropical forests and nature worldwide, by inviting its visitors in the heart of natural exhibits. A sister-foundation of the Papiliorama, the ITCF, protects in a very concrete way more than 11'000 hectares (110 km2) of pristine tropical nature in Belize, Centra America.
Last visited 2011
Papiliorama Foundation
Moosmatte 1
Postfach 160
CH-3210 Kerzers FR
Phone number 031 756 04 61
Opened minimum 10 am - 5 pm, Closed 1st January & 25th December
Entrance fee
Annual Card (Valid 12 months)
For kids there is a petting area and several playgrounds
After having payed the Entrance fee we meet on the righy hand the Papiliorama with Exotic Butterflys. They are living in an amphitheater 40 metres in diameter and 14 metres at its maximum height offers ideal conditions for the growth of several dozen species of tropical trees and plants, among which more that 15 species of palms and many nectar plants. In this garden, more than 60 species of butterflies from all over the tropics can be found. At all times around a thousand butterflies flutter around in an enchanting and colourful ballet. As more than 10 species breed naturally in Papiliorama, visitors can observe the complete butterfly life cycle from egg to adult, going through caterpillars and pupae. Papiliorama is also one of the rare places in Europe where one can observe the fascinating hummingbirds, flying at full speed through the dome. In this hall theres also the Anthropodarium with insects that are already well represented in Papiliorama through the butterflies, many less known arthropods deserve to be shown. The exhibit presents a few species of each group within the arthropods: among arachnids, scorpions and bird-eating spiders have a place of choice. 5 species of phasmids, the masters of camouflage with their many astonishing forms and colours, can be discovered hidden in vegetation. Beetles, praying mantis and millipedes complete the picture. The next hall is the Nocturama, wich is a quite a unique exhibit : Its translucid roof filters daylight approximately a thousand times, thus creating an artificial moonlight. The effective inversion of the day and night cycle allow visitors to wander through a tropical American forest during night-time, when nocturnal animals are active. Alongside trails, you shall encounter sloth, tree porcupines, night monkeys, kinkajous, ocelots, giant anacondas and many others. The last hall is the Jungle Trek hall. Take a walk through Papilioramas Nature Reserve in Central America thanks to Jungle Trek, an exact copy of the 11’000 hectares of the protected area of Shipstern, in Belize. Amidst tropical dry forests, mangroves and orchid ponds the visitor is taken on an exciting tropical journey without crossing the Atlantic. You will be accompanied by toucans, roseate spoonbills, iguanas and numerous other animals and will also be able to encounter exciting species such as coatis or peccaries. A 7m high panorama bridge will take you up into the canopy, where you will be able to enjoy a fantastic view. Outside, through the restautant, you have the Swiss Butterfly Garden. In 2004, the Papiliorama opened a futuristic-looking aviary for local butterflies. Totalling almost 500 m2, the Swiss Butterfly Garden recreates several natural habitats vital for indigenous butterflies, such as lowland dry meadows, meadows growing on the dry rocky slopes of the Jura foothills, among others. During the summer season, about 10 species of butterflies - non of them rare ones - live and complete their life cycle in the Swiss Butterfly Garden. The last enclosure is the Petting Zoo, here you meet Wesley and Pinko, the miniature donkeys, can scratch the head of Ziggy, the howling pig, or caress dwarf goats in dire need of tenderness.
DE: Papiliorama ist nicht der gewöhnliche Zoo oder das gewöhnliche Vivarium, der hauptteil besteht aus 3 Kuppeln wo von die erste eine Schmetterlingshalle ist für exotische Schmetterlinge (Ein Zelt für schweizerische Schmetterlinge gibt es im Park), die 2. ist für Nachttiere die frei um einen herumlaufen bzw fliegen und die Dritte zeigt ein Teil eines Regenwaldes in Belize - wo dieser Zoo ein grösseres grundstück hat um die loakle Flora und Fauna zu retten.
DK: Papiliorama minder en smule om Randers Regnskav igennem at den også består af 3 kupler. Den første er et hjem for flere hundre eksotiske sommerfugle (udendørs er der et telt for schweiziske sommerfugle), den anden er en kæmpe natzoo hvor de fleste dyr går eller flyver frit rundt. Den sidste viser en del af Belizes regnskov, hvor papiliorama har et større grundstyk