City: La Chaux de Fonds
Country: Switzerland
Canton: Neuchatel
Opend 1979
Species 105
Allmost on the French Border you meet this intersting zoo with local animals like the Ibex, the funny Smallclawed Otters and a good viarium, where you meet intersting poisones snakes as well as fishes
In a garden with a animal park
At the end of the nineteenth century, La Chaux-de-Fonds is no longer a village and turns into a real city of 25,000 inhabitants, with all the facilities that this entails: running water, gas, telephone, schools, hospital , churches, museums, theater ... Many local companies are born at that time, around which social life and recreation. One of them, the Beautification Society, wants to improve the face and recreational equipment in La Chaux-de-Fonds. In 1889, it bought a hilly wooded area above the northern boundary of the city, the Bois du Petit-Château, and it is sayd that it development was made by landscape gardener Charles Mattern. In 1891 the park, a perimeter of 18'850 m2, is given to the city. Three successive extensions will lead it to its current extent of 31,000 m2, nearly double the initial surface. In 1947, a donation of Mr. Morf, owner of the land north of the park, allows the creation of the playground and the pool, which will act as communal pool until the construction of the pool in the years 1950. In 1955, the purchase of a plot of 7'710 m2 to the same owner can build enclosures and additional operating facilities. Finally in 1979, a new plot of 2,200 m2 north of the old stand-results in the creation of an enclosure movement, encouraging direct contact with animals. It is also on this land that the communal vivarium was transferred between 1988 and 1989. At its opening, the park was not equipped with houses. Soon however, it makes adjustments for the accommodation of animals. The first building consists of an aviary, set up in collaboration with the Society for Ornithology, and an enclosure for deer, created with the assistance of Diana hunting society. A cottage is built to house backyard birds, and a place and a kiosk at the main entrance of the park. Between 1974 and 1990, development work significantly alter the appearance of the park and help make a real zoo: new fences, conversion of existing buildings to enable them to accommodate birds of prey, lynx and wild cats; development for an enclosure for the wolves, construction of several aviaries with pigeons and a series of cages for raccoons, raccoon dogs, ferets and polar foxes expansion of the various enclosures, construction of picnic places. In 1988, the vivarium is installed in five wooden houses in the park. In 1990, to mark the centenary of the Bois du Petit-Château, we construct and commission an otter pond, allowing the introduction of this species in the Bois wich is interesting and seriously threatened.
Last visited 2011
Parc zoologique et Vivarium
Bois du Petit-Château
82, rue Alexis-Marie Piaget
CH-2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds
Phone number 032 967 60 74
Opened 8 am - 6 pm
Entrance fee
After passing the entrance we go up the hill to some aviarys for owls, going back over the bridge we meet on the left hand the Red Fox, the Eagle Owl and the Snowy Owl. On the right hand we then se the donkey and the European Otter. Turning left we come to the Vivarium, not a part of the zoo but of the natural museum like the zoo (The entrance is also free). Here you meet several fishes, amphbians like the poisin arrow frogs, reptiles like several poisones snakes and invetebrates like the bird eating spider and the scorpion. Outside again going right through the enclosure for pygmy goats we meet domestic pigs, the Fallow Deer and the european Wild Boar. Crossing the road we meet a duck pond, the Peacock, poultry and rabbits. In this area we also finde Alpacas, Lamas and Mufflons. Across we se the Reindeer. Afterwards are comming several aviarys where you finde birds like the Western Capercaillie and the Martens. Then its time to look at the Lynx and the Raccoon. On the right hand we then have the Joyfull area where kids can play. Then following is a duck pond and afterwards an enclosure for Red Deer. Behinde the we finde the Brown Bear. The Last animal is the Ibex from the nearby Alps
DE: Dieser kleine Zoo besteht Offiziell aus 2 Teilen, einem kleinen Zoo mit Tieren aus der Schweiz wie den Steinbock aber auch einzelne exotische Tiere wie die Kurzkrallenotter; sowie ein Vivarium mitten im Zoo mit mehreren Reptilien und Fischen. Sein Entritt ist Frei
DK: Denne lille zoo består officielt af 2 dele, en lille zoo med dyr fra Schweiz som stenbukken men ligeledes af enkelte eksotiske arter som de Asiatiske Dværgoddere; samt et større Vivarium i midten af haven med en del krybdyr og fisk. Entreen er gratis.