City: Lausanne
Country: Switzerland
Canton: Vaud
Opend 17th October 2017
Species 240
It presents animals through a totally immersive and interactive scenography using innovative digital technologies. More than an aquarium or a vivarium, AQUATIS is an exceptional journey through our planet’s most fascinating freshwater environments. It is a recreational area, a pole of environmental education and a platform for exchanges
Freshwater is key to the message that AQUATIS wishes to communicate. It will of course determine the pace of the tour that has been designed like the life cycle of a drop of water as it travels around the world. AQUATIS invites visitors to dive head first into an immersive trip around the five continents to discover the main freshwater ecosystems and their flora and fauna.
AQUATIS wishes to establish a long-lasting and emotional link with water, vital source of life. The wonderful journey becomes a journey of initiation and the tour encourages each and every visitor to think about their relationship with nature and raises several questions
Last visited 2020
AQUATIS Aquarium-Vivarium
Route de Berne 144
1010 Lausanne
Phone number 021 654 23 23
E-mail info@aquatis.ch
Open 10am - 6pm
Annual Card
There are several daily feeding as well as a touchpool
On December 22, 2005, the Aquaécopôle project won first prize in an architectural competition because of its originality. The construction of the relay park adjacent to the Vennes station of the M2 line of the Lausanne metro began in October 2008 and was inaugurated on September 17th, 2010. Following opposition from a local resident, the construction of the aquarium and the hotel was delayed. The opposition was unsuccessful in March 2011. The green light was given at the end of March 2011 but the work was delayed following the oppositions which went to the Federal Court. On April 15, 2013, the first stone of a construction planned for a period of more than two years was laid. At the start of 2013, the project was renamed Aquatis. AQUATIS Aquarium-Vivarium Lausanne opened its doors on October 21, 2017.