Budapest Tropicarium
City: Budapest
Country: Hungary
Region: Central Hungary
Opend 2000
Species 490
They do not only present a part of the deep sea world but also a tiny bit of a tropical rainforest, where the sky thunders every quarter of an hour, rain starts to fall and lightning zigzags over the lazily lying Mississippi alligators.Besides, the Tropicarium can boast with the largest sea aquarium in all of Central Europe, the shark aquarium containing 1.4 million litres of salt water, housing 8 two-meter-long sharks and hundreds of colourful fish of other species, swimming around in peaceful harmony. In addition to the enormous fish-tank, there are 50 other 'smaller' aquariums and terrariums (meaning 5-40.000 litres each!) on site.
Vis stort kortLast visit 2013
Budapest Tropicarium
Nagytétényi út 37-43
District XXII
1222 Budapest
Phone nr 06-1-424-3053
Open 10am-8pm
Entrance fee
Adult 3600 HUF
Child 2800 HUF
Annual card
Adult 11500 HUF
Child 8500 HUF
There are several daily feeding shows, for the time please ask at the till station.
The idea of the Tropicarium is attached to the name of a Hungarian businessman, Karoly Farkasdi, who lived in Sweden between 1963 and 1998. He and his family created the first such establishment in Kolmarden in 1990 and then in Budapest in 2000, developing and accomplishing the unique content that the Tropicarium represents. The intensive construction work took 8 months, starting from September 1999, so that on 26th May 2000 the largest sea aquarium in Central Europe, the Tropical Oceanarium with an area of almost 3000 sqm could open its gates in the impressive building of the Campona Shopping Centre, on the ‘outskirts' of Budapest. In the meantime several tons of concrete and iron was incorporated in the building, special high-tech filtering and cleaning equipment, as well as computer systems were installed to ensure smooth operation. Most of the internal decoration was prepared by the experts working in the Tropicarium.
Map 2015
Map 2020
Let us take a short walk and see what types of animals call the Tropicarium their home. Room 1 presents fish species of the Hungarian fauna ¸ including protected Hungarian fish. The underwater world can be observed in its natural environment in the outer pools. Moving on, we can imagine walking in the depth of rainforests with colourful exotic birds flying freely above our heads and squirrel monkeys jumping branch to branch with ease, not to mention the elegantly stretching snakes in green, yellow, red and other colours. The next room introduces us to the world of alligators and the tropical rainforests. Visitors are greeted by chameleons, giant turtles, spiders and scorpions ; naturally, they do not move about freely... The freshwater department presents the fish species that live in the beautiful and pristine lakes of Asia and Africa among green water plants and cliffs, in an environment that resembles the original.Piranhas are the real 'stars' here and their reputation is far from being perfect ... The 11-meter-long observation tunnel and the huge, 4-meter-deep shark aquarium offer a breathtaking sight, where the frightening looking sand tiger sharks, leopard and brown sharks swim only arm's length from the visitors. The qualified caretakers of the Tropicarium, all holding diver's certificates, dive weekly to fed the sharks from their hands and clean the pool. They give 12-15 kg of sea fish to the predators each time. Shark feeding takes place from 3 to 4 pm each Thursday , apart from some special occasions. Understandingly, one of the favoured places for visitors is the ray stroking pool , where they can feed these creatures of silky skin and lovely face
DE: Dies ist dass gröste Aquarium in Osteuropa ausserhalb von Rusland und zeigt eine grosse Artenvielfallt von Fischen von kleinem Seepferd bis zum grossen Hai. Es werden aber auch reptilien und Lisztaffen gezeigt
DK: Dette er Østeuropas største akvarie udenfor Rusland og der vises en magfoldighed af fisk fra den de små søheste til store hajer. Ligeledes vises dog også krybdyr og paryksilkeaber