Genova Acquario
City: Genova
Country: Italy
Region: Liguria
Opend 1992
Species 400
Italy's largest aquarium is one of Genoa’s biggest draws and a must-see for travelers with children. The structure alone is remarkable, resembling a ship and built alongside a pier in the old harbor. Inside, more than 50 aquatic displays re-create Red Sea coral reefs, pools in the tropical rainforests of the Amazon River basin, and other marine ecosystems. These environments provide a pleasant home for sharks, seals, and just about every other known kind of sea creature. During the day, the playful seals and dolphins like to blow trick bubbles to entertain you, and there are small rays in a shallow pool that you can pet. All the descriptions are posted in English. There’s also a 3-D film on ocean life (ask for a sheet with the narration in English).
Vis stort kortLast visited 2020
Acquario di Genova
Porto Antico-area
Ponte Spinola
16128 Genova
Telefonnummer 010/23451
Faxnummer 010/256160
Open minimum 9.30 am-7.30
Adult 32,- Euro
Child 23,- Euro
Adult 5,- Euro
Child 3,- Euro
Combination ticket (Valid for 1 visit to the Aquarium, biosphere and Bigo)
Adult - 41,- Euro
Child - 29,50 Euro
Aquarium Pass (Annual card)
Adult - 65,- Euro
Child - 50,- Euro
The aquarium was originally built for Genoa Expo '92 (International Exhibition Genoa '92 Colombo '92), celebrating 500 years since the Genoese sailor Christopher Columbus discovered the new world. The building, which some say looks like a ship ready to head out to sea, was designed by the Genoese architect Renzo Piano. The interior design and initial exhibits for the opening in 1992 were designed by Peter Chermayeff leading a design team at Cambridge Seven Associates. In 1998 the aquarium was expanded with the addition of a 100-metre (330 ft) ship connected by walkway to the original building.
Map 2015
After paying the entrance fee we take the escalators op to the main entrance. The first big hall we adjust our eyes to the light and see fish from the old pier. Following the path to the left we meet moray eals and other creatures of the costal cliffs. Then diving in to the Amazon river to meet caribbean maneets, next to the we find sharks. Once again turning left its time to meet octopus and other strange creatures. Back on the main path its time to meet harbor seals, gentoo penguins and dolphins. At the cafe we can decide to go out for some fresh air or go downstairs to the jungle. Here we meet amphibians, insects, pythons, piranhas and arowanas. Following the path we see the dolphins in their natural element the water. Taking the escalotors up we meet lot of creatures from the coral reefs
DE: Einer der grössten Aquarien Europas zeigt neben Fische auch Grosse Tümler, Seekühe und Pinguine
DK: Et af Europas største akvarier viser ved siden af fisk også øresvin, søkøer og pingviner