City: Roma
Country: Italy
Regon: Lazio
Opend 05.01.1911
Species 200
Once you've spent some time wandering around the usual range of lions, tigers, camels, bears, zebras, giraffes, (etc...), it's worth taking a look at the reptile house. It's themed around "Furti di Natura" (thefts from nature). The display begins with a short film on the theme, which is shown inside a mock aeroplane. Then follows the chance to see an exhibition of endangered animals and animal products which have been confiscated in and around Rome over the years. The most impressive of these is certainly Mario, a crocodile who was rescued from a Rome apartment where he was being kept in the bathtub as a pet.
In 2011 the Bioparco celebrated its 100th anniversary: inaugurated in 1911 and situated in the historical park of Villa Borghese, it is today one of Europe’s oldest zoological gardens. Carl Hagenbeck’s original project led to the construction of a 12 hectare park where animals could roam freely: this was a completely new concept that turned the Rome Zoological Garden into one of the most modern zoos of its time. In 1935 the zoo was enlarged to its current surface area of 17 hectares. The new area, designed by architect Raffaele De Vico, includes the current reptile house and a large geodesic shaped aviary, which is still unique in its kind. The zoo was later privatised until the current Foundation was set up: large restoration works and an entrepreneurial style of management have turned it into a modern zoo.
Last visited 2011
Phone number 06 36 08 211
Fax number 06 32 07 389
Address: Fondazione Bioparco di Roma, Viale del Giardino Zoologico, 20, 00197 Roma, Italy
E-mail: callcenter@bioparco.it
Open : minimum 9.30am-5pm
Entrace fee:
Annual card
For kids: Playgrounds and pettingarea
Food: The Zoo has a places where you can get a snack
Taking photos: Is allowed, if publiciesed, please mention the zoo on your homepage
After have been paying the entrance fee we first meet the armadillo and then going on the roof of the Giraffe-house looking at the giraffes. Next door is the house for the Italian Fauna, with especially italian fish. Outside again we are having the bovine house wit the Bison and Bantengs. On left hand we are having the farm animals like donkeys and poultry. Across we are havin the Tahr, the mufflon and at the African hunting dog we turn right. On the right hand we are having the Sika deer and the nile lechwe. Across we are having a pitt for Japanese Macaques. This is the monkey corner with mangabeys and mandrills among others. then turning right we are looking at the zebras and the addax. At the aviarys for birds of prey we turn right again and look at wallabys and tapirs. The turning right we are having the aviarys for small cats. At the lemurs we turn right and se the grey seal and the penguins. Then we are looking at the tigers and the lions. Across we finde the pachyderm house with Hippos and Elephants. Going arround the big lake we are having the bear forest, kulans, camels and the golden eagle. Going under the bridge and then turning left we soon look at the wolfes. At the big square we then on the left hand have the savannah. Then follows several aviarys for birds. Now we are looking at the big apes like the chimp. After we are having the African Wild Dog again as well as a big terrarium. Going back und the road we turn left and the last animals we see are Casowarys, pygmy hippos and coatis.
DE: Der Zoo von Rom ist über 100 Jahre alt und zeigt interessante tiere wie dass Banteng, Asiatische Löwen und hat auch ein gutes Terrarium
DK: Roms zoo er over 100 år gammel og viser interessante dyr som bantengen, asiatiske løver og har ligeledes et godt terrarie