Acquario Marino
City: Trieste
Country: Italy
Region: Friuli–Venezia Giulia
Opend 1933
Species 150
You’d expect a town like Trieste to have an aquarium and this one doesn’t disappoint. The ‘Civico Acquario Marino’ was built around 1933 and has always been housed in the same building though it has been recently renovated. The sea museum along the banks of Trieste and opposite Piazza Dell’Unita d’Italia might be mistaken for a church at first glance. The fauna of course is marine species, including molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms as well fish, reptiles and turtles.
Last visited 2016
Trieste Acquario Marino
Riva Nazario Sauro 1
34123 Trieste
Phone number: 040 306 201
Fax number: 040 302 563
Open minimum 9.00-13.30, closed wednesday
Adult 5 Euro
Child 3 Euro
The Aquarium was built in 1933, adapting the facilities on the premises of a side of the building of the Central Fish Market and including the part that with the clock tower. 25 tanks were built with from 200 to 2500 liters variable capacity and a central tank of 17,000 liters. Water is drawn from the sea at the base of the pier next to the fish market and by a powerful pumping system, it is pressed into the clock tower at about 10 m. of height. Here it is filled a large settling tank, from which water, by gravity, is delivered on the ground floor. The system is therefore an open circle that, despite the absence of an adequate filtering, has the advantage of continuously replace water, leaving intact its plankton content. It was the successor of the Sant'Andrea Marine Zoological Centre (1875-1915) where prominent scholars such as Sigmund Freud studied.The project was conceived by the zoologist Giuseppe Müller, who, at the time, was director of Trieste Municipal Natural History Museum.
The Aquarius Marino was built in 1933, adapting the facilities on the premises of a side of the building of the Central Fish Market and precisely the part that includes the clock tower.
25 tanks were built with from 200 to 2500 liters variable capacity and a central tank of 17,000 liters.
Water is drawn from the sea at the base of the pier next to the fish market and by a powerful pumping system, it is pressed into the clock tower at about 10 m. of height.
Here it is filled a large settling tank, from which water, by gravity, is delivered on the ground floor. The system is therefore an open circle that, despite the absence of an adequate filtering, has the advantage of continuously replace water, leaving intact its plankton content.
After paying the entrance fee we turn right to enter the aquarium section shwing fish and other creatrus of the Mediteranium Sea. Among other you will find the morray eals and some small sharks. Half way through you then climb the stairs to the vivarium, with especially reptiles frome the istrian and balcan area
DE: Dieses kleine Aquarium zeigt die Fauna vor der Küste von Trieste. Es hat aber auch ein kleines Vivarium mit insbesonders Reptilien aus Istrien und dem Balkan
DK: Dette lille akvarie viser faunaen ved Triestes kyster. Men der er også et vivarium der især viser krybdyr fra Istrien og Balkan
Phone number: 040 306201