City: San Juan de Aragon
Country: Mexico
Entity: Federal District of Mexico
Opened 20.11.1964
Species 152
The Zoo is mainly divided into six different sections: Zona Mexicana African Zone. Coastal Strip. Aviary Moctezuma. Birds of Prey. Herpetarium. In the African zone, are displayed rhinos, elephants, which is part of the savannah region where there are ostriches, antelope, geese, guinea fowl, gruyas, zebras, etc.., On the other hand there is the Mexican Way within the Mexican region, where it has a number of exhibitors and the aviary is totally Mexican, but also with the Mexican arid zone, the area of the path of golden eagle and the Mexican tropics, a part of America's coastal , which is part of the region of the Americas, American Prairie, the eurozone and the Australia and other regions. There is also the former zoo area, which exhibits a large number of species. As part of the renovation of the zoo, will increase the inventory of birds in an aviary was built 2006 in the Mexican Path in the tropical region, which exhibits parrots, owls, parrots, toucans, among others, on 11 May 2007 opened the path for the golden eagle and several species of birds exhibit rapases as caracara, golden eagle, raven black, red-tailed hawk, red and black hawk among other species have increased significantly. In June 2007, was inaugurated on Herpetarium, which displays snakes, turtles, lizards, spiders, for a fee recovery. It aims to build an interactive farm in an area of about three acres, about thirty thousand square meters, which also will be something extra for young children and school level.Zoo San Juan de Aragon has one of the most important conservation projects in the world, the Mexican Wolf.
Service given
Open : minimum Tuesday-Sunday 9am-5pm
Entrace fee: No
For kids: Playgrounds and pettingarea
Food: The Zoo has a place where you can get a snack
Taking photos: Is allowed, if publiciesed, please mention the zoo on your homepage
Phone number 57-51-02-74
Fax number 57-51-99-24
Address: Zoologico de San Juan de Aragón, Av. Loreto Fabela s/n Col. San Juan de Aragón. Del. Gustavo A. Madero. C.P. 17920, México D.F., Mexico
Where to finde the Park:
I don't have any guides of this zoo. Does any body know if they made any guides? And where I can get any guides those?
In the years 1989 and 2014 they had theire anniversarrys. Have they made any books on this occassion?