City: Hiroshima
Country: Japan
Region Chugoku
Opened 01.09.1971
Species 150
There are animals including giraffes, lions, black rhinoceroses, lesser pandas, woylies, Japanese giant salamanders and macaws. It has as an night safari in summer.
Service given
Open : minimum Friday-Wednesday 9am-4.30pm
Entrace fee: Yes
For kids: Playgrounds and pettingarea
Food: The Zoo has a place where you can get a snack
Taking photos: Is allowed, if publiciesed, please mention the zoo on your homepage
Phone number 082-838-1111
Fax number 082-838-1711
Address: Hiroshima City Asa Zoological Park, Dobutsuen,Asa-cho,Asakita-ku,Hiroshima, 731-3355, Japan
Where to finde the Park:
I don't have any guides of this zoo. Does any body know if they made any guides? And where I can get those?
In the year 1996 they had theire 25th anniversarry. Have they made any books on this occassion?