City: Shimane
Country: Japan
Region Chugoku
Opened 2000
Species 400
The aquarium's primary focus is on the marine life off the coast of Shimane Prefecture. The most famous fish that lives there is likely the Japanese flying fish. The first tank shows off a riotous array of fish that live in the coastal areas of the prefecture. It is a very effective introduction to the aquarium's tank design and a taste of their incredible collection of beautiful fish. Next, deep water Sea of Japan (East Sea) fish are showcased. There are also a number of jelly fishes, octopus and squid. The large circular tank of Japanese sardines is particularly effective. The Sea of Myth section shows off sharks, rays and other fish that can live peacefully together between meal time. It's impossible not to want to sit back and watch the fish for a good while. After taking in your fill, you get walk under the tank through a tube for an additional treat. After a large coral reef tank, the aquarium has a number of nocturnal fish and a number of smaller tanks. These mini-tanks are about the size of a regular hobbyist aquarium and showcase smaller interesting fish that would get lost and ignored in a large tank. The aquarium's stars are its three beluga whales (or white whale). The highly expressive and playful animals are put through their paces in an underwater show that shows off their features and playfulness. A number of smaller exhibits are built into the walls as you spiral down to the event theater. Finally, there is a sea lion exhibit and show that takes place outside.
Service given
Open : minimum Wednesday-Monday 9am-5pm
Entrace fee: Yes
For kids: Playgrounds and pettingarea
Food: The aquarium has a place where you can get a snack
Taking photos: Is allowed, if publiciesed, please mention the aquarium on your homepage
Phone number 0855-28-3900
Fax number 0855-28-3610
Address: Aquas Shimane Aquarium, 1117-2 Kushirocho Hamada-shi, Shimane Prefecture, 697-0004, Japan
Where to finde the aquarium:
I don't have any guides of this aquarium. Does any body know if they made any guides? And where I can get those?