Philadelphia Zoo
Opened 01.07.1874 (Founded in 1859)
City: Philadelphia
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
Species 300
One of the best laid-out and most animal-packed zoos in the USA is set among a charming 42-acre Victorian garden with tree-lined walks, formal shrubbery, ornate iron cages and animal sculptures. The zoo has garnered many “firsts” in addition to being the first zoo charted in the United States (1859). The first orangutan and chimp births in a U.S. zoo (1928), world’s first Children’s Zoo (1957), and the first U.S. exhibit of white lions (1993), among others. In addition to its animals, the zoo is known for its historic architecture, which includes the country home of William Penn’s grandson, its botanical collections of over 500 plant species, its groundbreaking research and its fine veterinary facilities.
Vis stort kort
Last visit 2014
Philadelphia Zoo
3400 W Girard Ave
PA 19104
Phone nr 215-243-1100
Open minimum 9.30am-5pm
Adult 25,- $
Child 20,- $
Membership (includes the Annual entrance)
Adult 65,- $
Family* 165,- $
*Family Explorer Cards are valid for 2 adults and theire children. Check on line for other membership levels
There are several daily feeding shows, for the time please ask at the till station.
Feel free to take as many pictures as you want. If you publicate the pictures online plese mention the Zoos name
The zoo was once served by the Zoological Garden station on 34th Street and Girard Avenue until the year 1902. In the early morning of December 24, 1995, a fire in the World of Primates building killed 23 animals, including a family group of six lowland gorillas, a family group of three orangutans, four white-handed gibbons, and ten lemurs (two ruffed lemurs, six ring-tailed lemurs, and two mongoose lemurs). All were members of endangered species. The animals died in their sleep from smoke inhalation (carbon-monoxide poisoning); none were burned. Ten primates housed in an adjoining building, the Discovery House, survived. At the time of the fire, detection equipment existed in only 20% of the zoo buildings; the primates building, which had been constructed in 1985, was not one of them. In the ten months following the fire, the zoo installed fire detection equipment in all animal buildings. On July 1, 1999, the zoo opened a new primate exhibit, the PECO Primate Reserve. It features 2.5 acres (10,000 m2) of indoor and outdoor exhibits with ten species of primates, including Sumatran orangutans, Western lowland gorillas, lemurs, langurs, and gibbons. In 2006, the zoo opened a new, $20-million big cat exhibit, First Niagara Big Cat Falls. Showcasing the animals in scenes reminiscent of their natural habitats, this exhibit allows visitors to get very close to the cats, sometimes separated only by a pane of glass. Visitors can see 12 endangered big cats from around the world, including three new snow leopard cubs, three new cougar kittens, and a new black jaguar cub. On May 30, 2009, the zoo opened the McNeil Avian Center, a renovation of its classic bird house. It features two birds that are extinct in the wild: the Guam Rail and the Guam Kingfisher, a subspecies of the Micronesian Kingfisher. A theatre presents a fourteen-minute, 4D-movie about avian migration, following the migration of an animated oriole named Otis. On October 2, 2009, the Zoo welcomed a baby Sumatran Orangutan, subsequently named "Batu". Batu, a female, is the first-born child to 15-year-old father Sugi and 18-year-old mother Tua. She is also the first baby orangutan to be born in the PECO Primate Reserve, which opened in 1999. The Zoo, however, does have a history of successfully breeding orangutans, being the first zoo in the nation to have a successful birth in 1928. On April 10, 2010, the Zoo's seasonal "Creatures of Habitat" opened, a unique exhibit featuring 9 animal stations throughout the Zoo, each featuring an endangered animal, and each consisting of statue(s) made completely out of Lego bricks. Each statue was created by Sean Kenney, the first of only nine LEGO-certified artists in the world. On July 17, 2010, the Zoo welcomed a new female baby giraffe to first-time parents Stella, 7, and Gus, 4, after a gestation period of over 15 months. This is the first giraffe birth at the Philadelphia Zoo in over a decade. On April 13, 2013, the Zoo opened KidZooU on the site of the old Pachyderm House. Also known as the Hamilton Family Children's Zoo and Faris Family Education Center, it is one of the largest projects undertaken by the Zoo and replaces the old Children's Zoo open for over 50 years prior. It is notable for many ecologically conscious features, such as rain gardens and cisterns, geothermal wells, and green roofs, making it the first LEED-certified exhibit at the Zoo. In 2019, the zoo opened WildWorks, a 34 ft (10 m) high ropes course with bridges, ropes, and obstacles. Participants wear climbing harnesses. Two courses are available, each designed for a different age group and skill level. A smaller system for children under 48 in (120 cm) is also available
21st March 1859: Zoological Society of Philadelphia established
1st July 1874: Philadelphia Zoo grand opening
1901: First-of-its-kind animal health laboratory established at Zoo
1916: Bird House opens
1928: First successful birth of an orangutan and chimpanzee in a U.S. zoo, Zoo wired for electricity
1931: Leo, the MGM lion, retires to the Zoo after a 15-year movie career
1935: Zoo develops first scientifically controlled diets, “zoocake”
1938: First Children's Zoo in the western hemisphere opens
1941: New Elephant House opens
1948: Zoo discovered carrot juice diet helped flamingos retain pink color
1951: Carnivora House opens
1954: Bird Valley opens
1956: First cheetahs born in a zoo
1957: New Children's Zoo opens
1965: Rare Mammal House opens
1967: Small Mammal House opens
1972: Reptile House opens and Docent Council established
1974: Zoo becomes one of the first officially accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA)
1975: African Plains completed
1976: Zoo education department established
1980: Bear Country opens
1983: First successful birth of an echidna in North America
1985: Treehouse opens
1992: Naked mole-rat exhibit and Carnivore Kingdom opens
1998: Newly renovated Amphibian and Reptile House opens
1999: PECO Primate Reserve opens
2002: Channel 6 Zooballoon® launched
2004: First successful birth of a giant river otter in North America and newly renovated Children’s Zoo opens
2006: Big Cat Falls opens
2008: Amazon Rainforest Carousel opens
2009: McNeil Avian Center opens
2011: Treetop Trails unveiled
2012: Great Ape Trail opens
2013: KidZooU opens to the public
Map 2011
Map 2015
Map 2019
After paying the entrance fee we seeo spider monkeys on the right. More monkeys an bee seen in the Rare Animal Conservation Center, like the Rodrigues flying fox. Out side again and taking the trail to the left we are having the small mammal house with especially rodents, but we also find meerkats here. Back to the main path its time to look at the KidZooU, home to especially farm animals - some which even can be pet. Across is a large reptile house, with alligators and cobras among others. To the left is a path where we find several ponds for waterfowl, here we also find penguins and the turkey vultures. Across is the PECO Primate Reserve, home to orangutans and gorillas. Out side again we se the First Niagara Big Cat Falls, home to tigers, lions and leopards. Going around the big lake we soon after meet the Hyacinth macaw and after another while McNeil Avian Center. This is the zoos bird house with walk in aviaries and of course colourfull tropical birds like the sun bittern. Out side again we meet the andenean condor and to the right Lorikeet Encounter. Here you can feet lorikeets. Behind the rest rooms we find bald eagles and draft horses. Now we are heading for the guerezas, maned wolves and cheetahs. Slowly heading back to the main entrance we meet the carnivore kingdom, home to giant otter, coatiess and lesser pandas. They are followed by the African plains, home to giraffes, hippos, rhinos and the addax. On the left hand we than see the bear enclosures, home to polar bears, spectacled bears ans Asian black bears. Opposite is a flamingo lagoon.
DE: Dies ist der älteste Zoo von der USA. Er beherbergt mehrere begebare häuser mit Seltenheiten. Aber auch die Aussenanlagen beherbergen Seltenheiten wie Brillenbär, Riesenotter und Gorillas
DK: Dette er USAs ældste zoo. Man finder flere huse der kan betrædes med sjældene dyr. Men også udeanlægene er hjem for sjældenhedder som brillebjørn, kæmpeodder og gorillaer