City: Lohberg
Country: Germany
State: Bavaria
Opend 1989
Species 100
Meet animals from Bavaria like otters, wolfes, deer and several species of bird. There is a small aquarium as well.
Vis stort kort
Service given
Last visit 2016
Schwarzenbacher Straße 1a
93470 Lohberg
Phone nr 09943-8145
Open minimum 10am-4pm
Entrance fee
Adult 6,- Euro
Child 4,- Euro
Annual Card
Adult 50 Euro
Child 50 Euro
After several years of planning and construction of the "Bavarian Forest Wildlife Park" it was opened 07.05.1989. Of the 3,25 million marks overall cost the municipality had to apply a personal contribution of 1 million marks. Grants came from the State of Bavaria, the district, and the district of Cham. Active support the community got by veterinarian Dr. Hans Aschenbrenner, who got appointet as director - a youth dream came true for him. The management of the Bavarian Forest Wild Park was transferred from the council to Dr. Hans Aschenbrenner. He was the chief of the planning of enclosures and aviaries. This animal park, says Dr. Hans Aschenbrenner, shall bring closer to nature and awaken his understanding of the relationships in the wild. The Bavarian Forest wildlife park only shows animals that you can still meet in the Bavarian Forest today, or that once were living here.
May 7, 1989
Opening of the Bavarian Forest Wildlife Park Lohberg
A Great Day learned on Sunday, 07.05.1989 the Bayerwald Lohberg community. After several years of planning and construction of the "Bavarian Forest Wildlife Park" was opened and received the consecration by the church in the presence of many distinguished guests from politics and industry.
In the speech Mayor Helmut Sperl outlined in telegram style the career of the project, which had to take many obstacles to its completion. Of the 25.3 million marks overall cost the municipality had to apply a personal contribution of 1 million marks. Grants came from the State of Bavaria, the district, and the district of Cham.
Patron Hans Spitzner, State Secretary in the Bavarian Ministry of the Environment, certified Mayor Helmut Sperl and the council vigor, vision and commitment. Such a measure, which but a few million costs, need to be addressed, already show courage. The Secretary of State emphasized the importance of the game park for strengthening economic potential in the underdeveloped area, and wieß attention to its property to the preservation of native flora and fauna. Spitzner praised the careful embedding of enclosures and buildings in the landscape as well as the use of domestic construction materials and plants.
Honorary Patron District Ernst Girmindl conveyed the greetings and congratulations of the county for this "really good successful business". The District praised the one hand the idea, on the other hand, the way in which it has been put into action. Mayor Helmut Sperl had won through against the odds and deserve thanks and recognition. Active support the community got them in this endeavor by veterinarian Dr. Hans Aschenbrenner, has gone for the appointment as "zoo director in the Bavarian Forest" a small youth dream come true.
The management of the Bavarian Forest Wild Parkes was transferred from the council Dr. Hans Aschenbrenner. In its eyes, the planning of enclosures and aviaries ran. This means, says Dr. Hans Aschenbrenner is, the visitors bring nature and awaken his understanding of the relationships in the wild. In Bavarian Forest wildlife park animals are only shown where you can still meet in the Bavarian Forest today, or who were living here.
Map 2013
Map 2015
Map 2020
After paying the entrance fee we cross the small stream ad meet farm animals like donkys, cows and pigs. Here kids also can pet a goat. Going up hill we on the right are having the majestic moose, followed by racoons d a big lake for swans. Time for a small snack and having a great view over the swan lake we keep right to see owls. Following the path steep upwards we are having ceveral avivries for local birds, here we meet the capercaillie and the nuthatch just to mention a few. On the left are the rein deer. Looking first at the Lynx we turn right and after the wild cat right again. Then its time to meet the mighty wident and the fox. Going up the stairs we follow the wolf enclosure to the mountain forest witd red deer.Passing wild cat and rein deer nclosures once more we meet storks and cranes. Back at the Cafe we follow the path straigt forward the meet pine and hose marten as well as the otter. Now we have reached the aquatic section with beavers and different species of fish, The last animals we are going to see are birds of prey.
DE: Dieser Tierpark zeigt die Fauna des Bayernwaldes, vom mächtigen Wisent bis zum putzigen Fischotter
DK: Haven viser lokalområdets fauna fra den mægtige wisent til den muntre odder