Map 2015
City: Bremen
Country: Germany
State: Bremen
Opend 2003 (garden 1933)
Species 120
This science center is a part of the botanical gardens and shows the origin of life. You especially meet insects and reptile. The science center should undergo some renovations the next years, to get even more interestings
Vis stort kortLast visit 2013
Deliusweg 40
D 28359 Bremen
Phone nr.: 0421-42706665
Open minimum 10am-6pm, closed 24th & 31st december
Entrance fee
Adult 11,- Euro
Child 6,- Euro
Familly* 20,-/28,- Euro
*Famillytickets are valid for 1 or 2 parents and their children
Annnual card
Adult 45,- Euro
Familly*/** 65,-/90,- Euro
*Famillytickets are valid for 1 parent and his/hers children
**Famillytickets are valid for 2 parents and their children
After paying the entrance fee we go straight forward and see a small vivarium with different reptiles and then following the path around it and learn about our plane the earth. Following the road we after while go inside a Greenhouse to look at different plants and landscapes of Asia. Relax a bit at the teahouse and enjoy a cup of free tea (the teabag you got at the till-station). In the Central China part there are gates leading to a butterflyhouse in winter (you meet butterflys and small birds here). Back in the greenhouse we follow the path and end up in Japan. Here we can look at koi
DE: Dieses Science Center zeigt 3 verschiedene Themen, erst kommt man durch ein Entdeckerzentrum wo der ökologische und klimatische aufbau der Erde gezeigt wird, danach werden die Asiatischen Landschaften gezeigt und zu guter letzt gibt es im Winter ein Schmetterlingshaus
DK: Dette science center viser 3 tematiske afdelinger. Man starter i science centeret hvor der fortælles om jordens opbygning, derefter diverse asiatiske landskaber og ender om vinteren med et sommerfuglehus