Natur- und Tierpark
Map 2013
Map 2015
Map 2024
City: Goldau
Country: Switzerland
Province: Schwyz
Opend 1925
Species 100
This zoo especially shows the fauna from Switzerland like the alpine ibex and the bearded vulture, there are a few exotic species like the Syrian brown bear
Vis stort kort
Last visit 2014
Natur und Tierpark Goldau
Parkstrasse 40
CH - 6410 Goldau
Phone nr 041 859 06 06
Open 9am-5pm
Entrance fee
Adult 26,- CHF
Child 13,- CHF
Family* 69,- CHF
*Family tickets are valid for two parents and their own children
Annual card
Adult 110,- CHF
Family */** 130,-/195,- CHF
*Family cards are valid for one parent and her/his own children
**Family cardss are valid for two parents and their own children
The zoo has a petting zoo and kids will love to feed the deer and moufflon running arround freely at the zoo
A bit history:
The uniqueness of its wild landscape the nature and animal park "owes" to an extraordinary natural disaster in 1806, which has became known as "Goldauer landslide". 40 million cubic meters of rock masses then thundered into the valley and formed a delightful characterized by elemental forces landscape. Sadly 457 people died that day. The nature and animal park was founded in 1925, and has from the beginning been a park built to show the fauna of Switzerland.
Map 2014
Map 2018
After paying the entrance fee its up to you if you want to see the whole zoo or the 3 routes displayed at the map you got at the till station. On the long route let us start turning left and follow the road un till you reach a gate, enter this and you are in the moufflon and sika area, if you have any backs please look after that thee isnt a deer inside it suddenly. In front of you, you have the wisent, Europes largest herbivor. Turning left we se the red deer and soon after the woodland lake with cormorants, Following it to the left we see tree frogs and after a while we are standing on a large square. Once again turning left, going on the bridge to the other side we have large lages for frogs and newts, Here its once again time to turn left and to follow the path. This will led us to the brown bears and wnd the wolf. Following the road we after meet farma animals from awitzerland, like cows, pigs and donkeys. The path in front of us leads us back to the bridge, which we once again cross and the at the large squarre turn left to see the roe deer. Back on the patk we are having on the right the European wild cat and the lynx. On the left is the stone age exhibition followed by pygmy goats, that you can pet. Behind them we find a path to the left. This will bring us to the red fox and the European badger. Followin the road behind the barn for the sika we se the chamois an the right and a house for pine marten on the left. Then we meet the ibec, that are followed by owls and the raven. Back at the wisent af a while we turn left to look at the bearded vulture and after a while wild boar. Behind the restaurant we then have some poultry and a large lake for water fowl. At the European cranes we turn left once again and see the funny otter. Theire neighbours are the Northern bald ibis, a bird extinct from the alpes. Still on this road its time to see the white stork, marmot and racoons. Standing now near the exit we just go inside the vivarium with European amphibians and reptiles
DE: Dieser Tierpark zeigt die Fauna der Schweiz, vom kleinen Laubfrosch bis zuum riesigen Wisent. In weiten teilen des Parks lauffen mufflons und Sikas frei herrum
DK: Denne have viser Svejts fauna lige fra den lille løvfrø til den store wisent. I store dele af haven løber sikahjort og muffloner frit omkring.