Entopia - Voices of Nature
City: Teluk-Bahang
Country: Malaysia
Province: Penang
Opend 1986
Species 150
Go among beautiful tropical butterflys, se the praying mantis or marval at other inteesting insects
Last visited 2023
830 Jalan Teluk Bahang
11050 Pulau Pinang
Phone number 604-885 1253
Fax number 604-885 1741
Open minimum Thursday-Tuesday 10am-6pm
Adult Malay 59,- MYR
Child Malay 39,- MYR
Adult Foreigner 75,- MYR
Child Foreigner 55,- MYR
Entopia began its journey with David Goh, a young teacher with interest and passion for butterflies. Simply inspired, he set out to establish a tropical butterfly farm as a tourist destination in Penang. In 1986, this self-taught entomologist, founded the tropical world’s first butterfly and insect sanctuary, known as the Penang Butterfly Farm.
Map 2015
Map 2017
After paying the entrance fee we enter the Mysteri Cave with different species of insects and amphibians. Then getting to tiger falls with butterflies and a big waterfall. On through home three with monotors. Entering Dragon Path where see the life cycle of butterflies. Then lets smell the Aroma Trail and end at David's Garden. Here we also meet Koi. Then heading up to the Indoor Discovery Centre. We begin with the world of Pandora, here we hear the tales of Butterfly through different ethnicities. Then we learn a lot about how butterflies develop. Going down again we meet a lot of different species of insects.
DE: Der grösste Schmetterlingspark von Malaysia besteht aus einer riesigen Schmetterlingshalle, aber zeigt auch andere Insekten und Reptilien
DK: Malaysias største sommerfuglepark består af en kæmpe sommerfuglehal. Men der vises også andre insekter samt krybdyr