Parque Natural de Pucallpa
City: Pucallpa
Country: Peru
Province: Ucayali
Opend 1991
Species 100
It has an area of 28 hectares and flora to conserve and conserve more than 400 species of wild flora and fauna such as monkeys, lizards, dee, otters, herons, toucans, parrots and other endangered species. You can see timber trees, medicinal trees, wild shrubs, palm trees and fruit trees. In the park is the Regional Museum of Pucallpa, which conserves some representative species of the Amazonian fauna and a large collection of fossil remains found in the Ucayali, Pachitea, Aguaytía and Urubamba rivers. One of the most attractive pieces is the jaw of a large lizard that lived in the Amazon about 10 million years ago.
Last visted: 2024
Phone nr.: 961 606 042
Parque Natural de Pucallpa
Jose Balta
25000 Pucallpa
Open minimum 9am - 5pm
Adult 5,- Soles
Child 3,- Soles
Ask for the feeding times at the till station
Map 2018
After paying the entrance fee we have an aquarium with a few fish species. Next is the raptors area with king vultures. Following the main path we go through an area with jaguars and other cats. Next is an area for parots. Then its time for noctural animals like kinkajous. And then area for small monkeys. Lets then cross an caiman island. Then its time to see bigger monkeys like wooly monkeys and spider monkeys. Then we enter the terrarium with anacondas and other snakes. Behind the food area we enter the Krokodile mouth we have a few huts telling the story of the local history and different indeginous people. Back to the main road where we meet the black caiman and a monkey island.
DE: Dieser kleine Zoo zeigt insbesondere die lokale Fauna wie Jaguar, Schwarzer Kaiman und Brauner Wollaffe. Er verfügt über ein kleines Aquarium und ein kleines Terrarium
DK: Denne lille zoo viser især den lokale fauna som jaguar, sort kaiman og Humboldts uldabe. Den råder over et liie akvarium samt et lille terrarium