Javni Akvarijum i Tropikarijum


City: Belgrade

Country: Serbia

Province: Belgrade

Species: 200




Opend: 2016


In this Public Aquarium, there is an arrangement of numerous species of fish, reptiles and amphibians, among them piranhas, chameleons, geckoes, sea stars and octopuses
Last visit 2018

Javni Akvarijum i Tropikarijum
Milenko Vesnic 3
11000 Belgrade


Phone nr 063 654 784

Open monday-friday 12 pm - 20 pm, weekend 9 am- 4 pm

  • Adult 500 Dinars
  • Child 250 Dinars
Families of more than 3 persons get get a 20% discount


The aquarium was founded in 2014, but it is officially open to the public in 2016. During the first year, it was visited by over 10,000 people. The public aquarium consists of a building of 400 km2 and an open part that is later rearranged - with small pools (lakes) and a bonsai garden, the same area.

After paying the entrance fee we enter the main room, home to mostly fish as the piranha but some reptiles as well. In this room there is a small balcony with a few aquariums. On the groind level again we have tothe right another big room with mostly aquariums as well as a cat (it walks arounds freely). Back to the main room and to the left we have a bit smaller room mostly with terrariums home to birdeating spiders among others.

DE: Es werden meist Zierfische und andere Tiere gezeigt, die man oft auch in privater Haltung hält

DK: Der bliver især vist fisk og andre dyr som man kan holde privat
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