
Map 2019 Map 2024

City: Cascavelle

Country: Mauritius

District: Black River

Opend 1979 


species 170




The Casela World of Adventures, described as the most visited attraction in Mauritius, is a scenic nature park situated in the midst of sugarcane fields in the western region of the island, with the Rempart Mountain as a backdrop.

Service given


Open : minimum 9am-5pm. Closed 1st January and 25th december

Entrace fee: Yes

For kids: Playgrounds and pettingarea

Food: The Zoo has a place where you can get a snack


Taking photos: Is allowed, if publiciesed, please mention the zoo on your homepage









Phone number 0401 6500

Address: CASELA NatureParks, Royal Road, Cascavelle, Mauritius.







Where to finde the Park:

I don't have any guides of this zoo. Does any body know if they made other guides? 



In the year 2004 they had theire 25th anniversarry. Have they made any books on this occassion?
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