Zoo de Lourosa

Home - Zoo de Lourosa

City: Lourosa
Country: Portugal
Province: Norte

Opend 1990


Species 150


This is more a bird park than a zoo, on your way you meet king vultures, turacos and sunbittern

Last visit 2024

Zoo Lourosa
Rua Parque
4535-071 Lourosa


Phone number 227 459 822
E-mail: info@zoolourosa.com

Open minimum 9.30am-6pm



Entrance fee

  • Adult 6,- Euro
  • Child 4,- Euro

Annual card 

  • Adult 12,- Euro
  • Child 12,- Euro

There are several daily feeding shows, for the time please at the signs. 


The Zoo officially opened its doors to the public in October 1990, being, at that time, privately owned. In September 2000, it was acquired by the Municipal Council of Santa Maria da Feira, in order to comply with community standards regarding the exhibition of animals to the public, and since March 2001 it has been managed by Feira Viva- Cultura e Desporto, e.m

Map 2019
After paying the entrance fee we have ostriches in front of us. Going left we see crown cranes and storks. Uposite are aviaries for parots like macaws and amazon parrots.  Going around the corner we have aviaries for owls and tropical birds as sun bittern. Opposite we find vultures and the secretary bird. Around the corner we have the pheasantry with curassows. Going around the pelican lake we meet kookaburras and other birds. Then we walk past some larger aviaries with flamingos and storks. Then we see different hornbills like the rhinoceros hornbill. Going down the small path we meet another pheasantry with pheasants and tragopans. Around the corner we have 3 enclosures with southern cassowary. At last we have a round aviary with crown pigeons

DE: Der einzige Vogelpark des landes zeigt Königsgeier, Turakos und Sonnrallen

DK: Portugals eneste fuglepark viser kongegribe, turakos og solrikser
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