København zoo



City: Frederiksberg
Country: Denmark
Region: Copenhagen Region
Opend 1859


Species 239


This is the oldest zoo of Scandinavia founded by Niels Kjærbølling, an ornitologist after a visit at Berlin Zoo. Internationaly it has an good reputation becourse of its breedingsucceses of rare creatures like the musc ox and the Okapi and is the only zoo outside of Australia that shows the Tasmanian Devil 

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Last visited 2024


Zoologisk Have København

Roskildevej 38

DK-2000 Frederiksberg





Phone nr.: 27200200
E-mail: zoo@zoo.dk



The garden is open minimum 10am-4pm

Entrance fee

  • Adult 239,- DKK
  • Child 139,- DKK

Annual Card (App cards 0,- DKK, Handhold cards 50,- DKK)(Buy online save 20,- DKK)

  • Adult 539,- DKK
  • Child 319,- DKK
  • Seniors 429,- DKK

There are interesting feedings and shows, look at the entrace for more information for the day.  

The garden was founded by Niels kjærbølling the 20th september 1859, he got the inspiration after a visit at Berlin Zoo in 1851. In the beginning he got the garden of Princess Vilhelminas. The first animals where poultry, ducks, owls, rabbits, a fox and seal as well as a turtle 

 The buildings in the garden tell theire times storry, the oldest beeing the one for Bactrian Camels, built for camels and ox. The restauration in tiberwork is from. Towers in zoos where quite popular around 1900, Copenhagen zoo has one of the few reminding, its from 1905 - you get a great view over copenhagen frome here. Architects maybe prefer the Elephant hous from 2008, made by the renown architact Sir Norman Foster.  

The main architect through time though is Fritz Schlegel who has drawn the snakepit (1938), the buildings of the pampas (1939) and the bear caves (1951)

The Garden today is a GeoZoo, a garden showing animals in the same area as they are living. This you especially se through the Nordic Area, where seals, reindeers and musc ox more ore less are sharing theire enclosures. But also the savannah is a good example where several enclosures fit in as one  

The garden shows rare species like the  Musc Ox (the Garden has the International Stud Book), Congo Peacocks, Okapis and the tasmanian devil 

Map 2011 Map 2015 Map 2020

After we passed the entrance and walk past the zootårnet (Zoo tower) we see the duck pond, which contains an abundance of ducks, but also storks and on an island for them self some squirrel monkeys that jump happily around on a hot summer day. Around the corner we come to the king of beasts, the lion on one of the garden's first major outdoor enclosures for carnivores, the neighbors are noisy red flamingos. Now facing the Arctic area mightiest land predator, the polar bear we come to the Northern corner and look at the seals, and the brown bears. Across we find reindeer, the only deer we have managed to make the domestic and the exciting musk oxen that science does not know where to place among the general ungulate groups which its Latin name suggests (Ovibos = sheep ox). Down the hill we encounter the great horned owl and the wolf. Behind the wolves we see immediately the building that has made the garden famous in recent times, the new elephant house. The best view you get from the Frederiksberg Gardens next door (with free entrance. Towering above is the old elephant house, which today is used as an exhibition building. The Elephant House is really the start of the Asian corner, one sees immediately after the enclosure for the red pandas at the house and after the elephants we meet the predators, namely the funny small-clawed otter, the big Amur tiger and the agile Amur leopard. An ancient relic is Malayan tapir, perhaps reminiscent of a weird mini elephant, but is closely related to horses and rhinos. Opposite we have a number aviary with various birds like the Congo peacock and another breeding pair of the beautiful red pandas. After taking an ice cream at the kiosk, we have on left hand the garden's tropical greenhouse. The first part is reserved for free-flying birds and a keen eye might also spot the garden breeding group of sloths. Then we meet a large group of terrariums in different sizes, the smallest containing insects, spiders, snails, frogs and reptiles. The largest contains rarities as the southern tamandua, an anteater that lives in trees and the dwarf deer that are on the size of a shoebox. The next hall is reserved butterflies, but it is also where we meet the garden's Nile crocodile. Finally we see the lively bunch of chimpanzees, the only apes in this garden. Out side of the house we look at American animals, the first enclosure is a large pampas that has usual animals like guanacos, capybaras (the world's largest rodent) and the rhea. In neighbor enclosure live the fun great anteater, but it is also where we find prairie dogs and an aviary for red ibis and spoonbills. Through the central garden we encounter real sea acrobats through a flock of Humboldt penguins and California sea lions. The latter has a small daily appearance at feeding time. Behind the old elephant house, we see the primate world; in the basement it has a small night zoo with opossum, armadillo, bush baby’s (one lemur species), bats and rats. On the first floor we find primates, ranging from a large flock hamadryads’ baboons, to the primitive ruffed lemur and the small marmosets. Also from America is the Saki and the spider monkey. Outside again, you can see monkeys play in the outdoor caves and then move to the "ormegårdene" (snakes pit), showing the Danish reptiles and amphibians. Do we follow the road behind the ibis aviary and turn left we encounter Bactrian camels in the garden's oldest house, for those who want to study Bactrian camels the zoos restaurant is here, otherwise the tour leads under the Roskildevej. On the right hand we have some aviaries for Congo peacocks, caracals (a cat species) and ground-hornbills. Then we turn left to see a species that was discovered 1907, the Okapi - a kind of forest giraffe. Opposite lives their larger cousins, the giraffe from the African savannah. They share their enclosure with an abundance of antelopes and a bunch of zebras. Here near by we find the cute zebra mango, the impressive white rhinoceroses and the big hippo, which you can see underwater while swimming. Coming out of the African corner, we have reached the Island Kingdom, the most rare animals shown here are the Tasmanian devils, probably just as funny, however are the keas (a parrot from New Zealand) and the ring-tailed lemur (a primate). Finally, there is a petting zoo where children can spend their last efforts on a giant playground, but where you also can learn about farm animals in Denmark and the rest of the world.



DK: København zoo er måske Skandinaviens mest vigtige zoo som har lavet overskrifter hyppigt. Den er verdens centrum for moskusoksealv (det var gennem denne have at den dabske stat i 50erne flyttede store hjorder fra Østgrønland til Vestgrønland og idag er der nærmest ikke flere tilbage i Østgrønland, mens der en del på vestgrønland), haven har en af verdens beste avlsgrupper for asiatiske elefanter (der har været 9 unger til endnu) og deres hjem er tegnet af den engeslke stjernearkitekt sir Norman Foster. Ligeledes er haven det eneste sted udenfor Australien hvor man finder den tasmanske djævel. Da der gennem tidens løb altid er kommet nye anlæg til, er det en af Europas mest moderne haver, som man kan se på den nye isbjørnelagune.  


DE: Kopenhagen Zoo ist vielleicht der wichtigste Zoo von ganz Skandinavien, der immer für Überschriften international sorgte. Egal ob vor 100 Jahren, wo ein kleiner Vogel namens Krokodilenwächter vom Alligator gefressen wurde - und die Welt dachte es währe ein Tierpfleger, der vom Alligator gefressen wurde, oder heute, wo man das neue Elefantenhaus hat, gezeichnet vom britischem Architekten Sir Norman Foster. Natürlich gibt es auch highlights wie die Moschusochsen (das internationale Stammbuch wird hier geführt), die Asiaischen Elefanten (einer der welt weit besten Zuchtgruppen) oder dem Tasmanischen Teufel (die einzigen Tiere dieser Art ausserhalb von Australien findet man hier)

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