
City: Silkeborg
Country: Denmark
Region: Central Denmark
Opend 1993


Species 100

AQUA fresh water aquarium is the biggest of its kinde in Norther Europe. It is  a Nature and Fresh Water Centre, that beside bigger aquariums has otters, beavers, mink and birds frome the danish marsh. Aqua shows the life of the danish lakes and steams. The aquarium part is build inside several smaler lakes, in wich you can watch inside through big windows. 

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Last visited: 2017



Aqua Ferskvandscenteret

Vejlsøvej 51

DK - 8600 Silkeborg




Phone nr.: 89212189



Open January-November minimum 10am - 4pm  





  • Adult 185,- DKK
  • Child 110,- DKK

Annual Card

  • Adult 360,- DKK
  • Child 210,- DKK
  • Seniors 250,- DKK

AQUA has several daily feedings at the Otters, Nutrias, minks and the touch pool - so ask at the till for the times.  



AQUA  Fresh water aquarium was build 1992-93 by the fresh water centre (Ferskvandcenteret) and opened june 1993. The idear behinde AQUA and Ferskvandscenteret came by in the 1980s by some citizens of Silkeborg, who wanted to make an exhibition about the European Otter, that was on the way to extinction in Denmark. From this idear of the exhibition the people behinde got visions of making a centre for fresh water - a national centre, that as the first and only - should connect research, exhibition and comerce. Thanks to the local authotitys and the local comerce the Ferskvandscenteret started in 1987.  

Ferskvandscentret orientated its work towards professionals in nature conservation as well as companys. AQUA orientate its work to the guy frome the street, showing especially kids about what the fresh water is about. AQUA has each year aprox 110.000 - 120.000 guests.

Map 2011 Map 2015

Let's start by looking at the aquarium lakes which are large, open, outdoor lakes that surround the round aquarium building. Inside you will go through a level with the lake bottom and can follow the outside seasons of the lakes. The aquariums are reverse lakes where you go inside and look out at the wildlife through large panoramic windows. The Danish lake types (presented by the pure and the polluted lake) with their distinctive content of fish and plants are represented by each aquarium like you can experience a slice of a larger Danish stream (presented by brook, river and marsh) with e.g. salmon and sea trout. An otter enclosure is the sixth water-filled aquarium surrounding the building. In the middle there are several smaller tanks that also show the diversity of nature, and here you can also touch exciting fish like the sturgeon. In the basement there are some aquariums for nocturnal fish like the exciting eel. On the upper floors there are exhibitions about the Danish fresh waters, the regular is about the water cycle. Outside, we encounter again the funny otter, but also see other animals like the white storks which is almost extinct in Denmark and a more general COMPETITIVE black stork (which however is quite shy - and therefore not usually seen), turtles, ducks and geese, mink, raccoons, rats and nutrias. Here there is also a playground and facilities to enjoy your lunch or enjoy a piece of cake at the café AQUA



DK: Aqua er et af Europas beste museer og akvarier der beskriver livet i Europas floder og søer, med et specielt focus på Danmark. Man dykker ned i forskellige søre og ser hvordan forskellige biotoper fungerer. Du finder masser af fisk og ænder, men ser også den sjældne odder og andre interessante dyr der lever ved breden, som minken.  



DE: Woltest du schon immer wissen wo das Trinkwasser herkomt. Wie die Fische leben, bevor man sie angelt oder einfach mal einen Otter sehen. Dann kann man dies und vieles mehr in AQUA sehen, ein Aquarium das die lokale natur beschreibt, so wie sie auch vor deiner Haustür ist.
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