Tiergarten Straubing
City: Straubing
Country: Germany
State: Bavaria
Opend 1938
Species 200
This zoo has an aquarium showing fish from the river Danube, els you find a good collection of mammals and old farm animals
Vis stort kortLast visit 2016
Tiergarten Straubing
Am Tiergarten 3
D 94315 Straubing
Phone nr 09421-21277
Open minimum 9am-4.45pm
Entrance fee
Adult 7,- Euro
Child 5,- Euro
10-times cards
Adult 60,- Euro
Child 40,- Euro
Annual Card
Adult 28,- Euro
Child 20,- Euro
Kids will love to pet animals at the petting zoo
The Straubinger Zoo was created in 1937/38 in the so called "Prince Regent Luitpolt grove" city park on the outskirts of Straubing. In a thatched shepherds cottage, the "Mooshausl" visitors could reinforce with a glass of milk and a sandwich during the walk and look at the small collection of animal owened by family Aschenbrenner. It contained pheasants, waterfowl, peacocks, a Nutria farm, foxes and deer. The then Mayor Joseph Straubinger Rider was a great animal lover and drove the expansion of the park ahead to the zoo. Back in September 1938 visitors could see three rhesus macaques. His idea was taken up by the Straubingers with enthusiasm. Friendly relations by Rider to Hagenbeck staff in Hamburg meant that they gave the Zoo1940 three young lions. During the chaos of war, the trainer Hans Lange settled with its four lions in Straubing. Long had previously occurred in famous circus companies such as Althoff, Sarrasani and Williams. Mayor Rider won the trainer as first director of the zoo, who led it to his death in 1955. Zoos larger cities feared during the war for their animals and put them in Straubing - as could be seen through the elephants from the Nuremberg Zoo which led to a rush of visitors in May 1944. After the death of Lange the continued existence of the zoo for financial reasons was uncertain. They even considered to sell the animals to the then planned a zoo of the city of Regensburg. The crisis was overcome after two years. 1975 the zoo school was added and a year later the zoos tropical hous was opened. Since the zoo has been developed continuely.
Map 2011
Map 2013
Map 2016
After paying the entrance fee we see on the right Guinea pigs and then the eagle owl. On the left we then are having an exotarium with different species of reptiles. Here we also have an aviary for vultures. Accross we find the Danner house full with tamarins and birds. Following the path arround the brown bear enclosure, we se the mighty wisent (sharing theire enclosure with fallow deer) and the redd deer. At the alpaca enclosure we follow the path to the right to se Bactrian camels, the African Savannah (with zebras, ankole-watussi and ostriches), donkes and the tiger. Accrosse we find Yaks, meerkats and different species of owls. The Tiger chare theire house with Asian lions and next to them we find the lynx. Here we turn left to the paly grounds and the petting zoo with pygmy goats and Cameroon sheep. Now we walk to the Danube aquarium with fish from that river. In front of that house we find the pelicans. Before following the path on the right you can go inside to the white stork. On the path we meet European otters, neavers and the African penguin. Over the stream we se on the right the wallabies and on the left the chimpanzee. Then going to the duck pond and turning left we se the Sarus crane and the Chilean flamingo. The last house befor the exit is a monkeyhouse with ringtailed lemurs and Syke's monkey
DE: Dieser Zoo hat mehrere begebare Häuser für Fische die sich in der Donau befinden, Reptilien und Vögel. Interessant sind aber auch die U.a. die Asiatischen Löwen
DK: Denne have har flere huse man kan gå in i for fisk fra Donau floden, krybdyr of fugle. Interessant er dog bl.a. også de asiatiske løver