Tierpark Hellabrunn
City: München
Country: Germany
State: Bavaria
Opend 1911
Species 529
This zoo is the first zoo world wide aranging it self after the continents of the earth. Proudly calling it self animal park (Tierpark), becourse the animals have large enclosures and using the same net system for its aviaries as the citys olympic stadion invented. On your way through the garden you find rareties like the wood bison, persian fallow deer and silvery gibbon.
Vis stort kort
Last visit 2016
Tierpark Hellabrunn
Tierparkstraße 30
D 81543 München
Phone nr 089-625080
Open minimum 9am-5pm
Entrance fee
Adult 18,- Euro
Child 7,- Euro
Family*/** 22,-/39.- Euro
*Familt tickets are valid for one parent and his/hers children
**Familt tickets are valid for two parents theire children
Annual Card
Adult 59,- Euro
Child 30,- Euro
Family*/** 59,-/118,- Euro
*Familt cards are valid for one parent and his/hers children
**Familt cards are valid for two parents theire children
Kids will love to pet the goats at the childrens zoo
Around 1860 a Mr Benedict opened the first public zoo at Königinstraße close to the English Garden. Although it was very popular with the crowds it had to close again in 1865. Oberstleutnant Hermann von Manz was more successful. In 1902 he found suitable grounds for establishing a zoological garden: The “Feßler grounds” that once housed the Lustschlösschen Hellabrunn. Their sheltered location made them perfect for the cause. In order to raise the necessary capital – at least half a million Deutsch Marks – he created the “Society of the Zoological Garden of Munich e.V.” in 1905. The town granted him his request to place the land at his disposal for free and gave him a certificate of eligibility. On 11.11.1906 the land was made available to the society under the condition that they come up with the necessary capital for the development of a zoo within 5 years. On August 1st, 1911 the grand opening of the first Munich Zoo Hellabrunn finally took place. It was first designed and planned by the architect Emanuel von Seidl. The elephant house was finished in 1914 and was one of the few heated houses. Until 1973 it was used to house animals sensitive to cold during the winter. Although the zoo survived the hardship of the First World War it had to close again in 1922. All the animals and mobile fixtures were sold. Munich had lost one of its attractions. In 1925 Kommerzienrat August Baumgartner founded a zoo committee within the „Hilfsbundes der Münchner Einwohnerschaft“ (~ Advocates for the inhabitants of Munich) in order to open a new zoo. In 1928 the Munich Zoo opened its gates under the management of Heinz Heck. It was put on a solid financial basis with the foundation of the Munich Zoo Hellabrunn AG in 1929. At the same time it was the first Geo-zoo worldwide. Until then the animals were shown according to their zoological taxonomy, for example all primates in one house and all predators in the carnivore house. Heinz Heck wanted to create open grounds like Hagenbeck, in which several animals native to one continent would be kept together. Hence the animals were shown according to their geographical distribution in the continents of Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Australia. This educationally valuable concept stood the test of time and has often been copied. Although the sale of the first stocks was not a huge success the zoo had collected enough money by 1930 to lease the land from the town of Munich for the next 30 years for 600 000 Reich mark. In the following year Hellabrunn grew to become a zoo of international rank. The number of animals increased continuously and the breeding successes made the name Heck well known with in the scientific community as well as the public. Especially the breeding back of the extinct Aurochs and Tarpan that Heinz Heck undertook with his brother Prof. Dr. Lutz Heck, Berlin Zoo, caused a stir. They cross breed several descendent breeds in order to “bring the extinct animals back to life”. This does not reverse extinction but it gives an impression what the original wild animal looked like. Even then the problem of extinction had been recognised. Hellabrunn became world famous for the captive breeding of the Wisent and the Przewalski horse.Another milestone was the opening of the ape house and the aquarium below in 1936. But the Second World War laid all other plans to rest. Only a few hundred animals were left due to the enlistment of zoo specialists, bombed houses and stables and the scarcity of fodder. In 1945 Hellabrunn had to start all over for the third time. Through innovation and improvisation the management was able to reopen as the first German zoo after the war. The development between 1945 and 1967 was slow since hardly any public funds were available. In 1967 and 1969 the Predator enclosures were renewed. In 1970 the board of directors requested a general extension plan that was put into practice from 1973 onwards by Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Gribl, who was still member of the architecture firm Peter Lanz at that time. Fundamental changes were for example made by the grand redesign of the park area “Europe” that changed from an area of many small enclosures for different species of deer into a generous habitat for chamois and marmots. A visionary building is the aviary build in 1981. It measures 18 meters in height and an area of 5.000 square meters that is covered by a fine mesh of stainless steel. Inside is an idyllic landscape with a small stream where the birds can fly around freely just like in the wild. Other highlights are the jungle tent for lion, jaguar & co that was build by the architecture firm Kochta in 1995 as well as the turtle house where giant tortoise get along nicely with bull dog ants and leaf eating ants and the jungle house where chimpanzees and gorillas are kept since 2000 in the indoor enclosures on natural substrate. The path of evolution up to the primates can be retraced from the coral reef to the desert terrariums accompanied by large informative signs. 2007 saw the opening of our rebuild Orang Utan enclosure. Ropes on the inside and plenty of climbing fixtures in the outdoor enclosure provide a lot of different possibilities to play and relax. Outside the apes also enjoy the semi-natural floor. This option is new for them. Before that they were only used to tiled floors. This enclosure for Orang Utans also gives the visitors room for beautiful and interesting experiences with the animals. Our centre for animal welfare, nature conservation and the protection of species ("TNA") was also opened in 2007. This information centre introduces the visitors to the worldwide activities of the zoo in these areas. This is done in an interactive way as well as in a cinema with project-related films of Bavarian Broadcasting. The first step of redesignen zoo was taken in 2013, when the giraffe house opened. The great apeas house is renovated in 2015 and so is the elephant house in 2016 and the polar world in 2017. in 1918 the Mühlendorf opens, the new area showin local fauna and farm animals.
Map 2012
Map 2015
Map 2020
After paying the entrance fe we keep on the path to the left to first encounter the Giraffe savannah, they are followed by the rebreeding of the aurochs and the tarpan. Taking the path to the right we follow the Przewalki's horse enclosure and reach the cougars. Then turning left we can enter the large aviary for European birds, like the Northern bald ibis. Outside we take a look at the maned wolves and turn left to se a large pampas withvicugnas and giant ant eaters. Across are the European wolves. At the wisent we turn right and se the wood bison and a bit later several larger buildings. Here we turn left to meet the flamingo. The first of the large houses is the ape house, home to the gorilla and chimpanzee. Inside the house also are several aquariums and terrariums, home to among other the alligator. Leaving the house from a small bridge we enter the terrarium house with several poisones snakes. In the basement is an interesting aquarium, home to piranhas among others. Next to it is the monkey house, showing diiferent species from small tamarins to the large orangutan. To the right we then are having the Australian area with kangaroos, wallabies and the kea. Across we then see the Asian elephants and behind them the Bactrian camels. Next to them is the "djungle world, home to the zoos carnivores and the middle of it is a lush tropical djungel with different free flying birds. The carnivores living here are the lions, jaguars and the African ild dog. In front of the lion enclosure we find the tortoise house, home to giant tortoise as well as some bird eating spiders among others. Out side we first look at the lesser pandas befor we take a look at the African area with several larger savannahs. Here we find animals like the red river hog, nyalas, Mhorr-gazelles and Hartmann's zebra among others. In this area is also a baboon rock with Hamadryas baboons. Next we find the Polarium, home to polar bears, king penguins, Californian sea lions and South American sea lions. Passing the bridge to the right we enter the childrens zoo. Beside a large playground you meet cows, donkeys, ponys and goats here. Now entering the Asian area we se the takin followed by the blackbuck and the nilgai. opposite we find the Yak. Then its time to go around the "pachyderm" house (inside youll find the sloth). The first animals are Malayan tapirs followed by the banteng. Across we follow the Humboldt's penguin enclosure and turning right to se the Snow leopards and spotted hyenas. Turning left and then right we go to the bat house, among others you meet spear-nosed bats, hutias and Costa Rica variegated squirrels. Going a bit bach and the to the right we find the Amur tiger. Turning right here we see the Indian rhinoceros and then turning right once more to enter the European section Here we meet the moose, ibex, brown bear and the chamois. Heading for the exit now we just make a stop at the fallow deer and the petting area with goats and sheep.
DE: Dieser Zoo ist der erste Zoo Welt Weit der auf einem Geographischen Prinzip aufgebaut ist, daher leben die meisten Tiere in Teilen wo sie mit Tieren ihres Kontinentes vergeselschaftet sind. Es war auch dieser Zoo in dem man versuchte Tierarten zurrück zu züchten, wie den Auerochsen und den Tarpan. Dies geling aber erst richtig mit der modernen Gentechnologie. Von Seltenheiten sollten Kiangs, Panzernashörner und Metsopotamische Damhirsche genannt werden.
DK: Denne have er den første på verdensplan der er opbygget efter geografiske principper, derfor lever de fleste dyr sammen med andre fra deres eget kontinent. Det var også denne have der forsøgte at tilbageavle uddøde arter som uroksen og tarpanen. Noget der først kan lade sige gøre med den moderne genteknologi. Af sjældenhedder skal nævnes kianger, pansernæsehorn og metsopotamiske dådyr