Zoo Augsburg
City: Augsburg
Country: Germany
State: Bavaria
Opend 1937
Species 240
The zoo has a large savannah area, a small night zoo and an interesting reptile house. It shows raretys like the onager, sunda slow loris, mountain goat and east caucasian tur
Vis stort kort
Last visit 2013
Zoologischer Garten Augsburg
Brehmplatz 1
D 86161 Augsburg,
Phone nr 0821-5671490
Open minimum 9am-4.30pm
Entrance fee
Adult 14,- Euro
Child 7,- Euro
Family* 79,- Euro
Familt tickets are valid for 4 adulte and 6 children
Annual Card
Adult 45,- Euro
Child 25,- Euro
Kids will love to pet the goats at the childrens zoo
On 12 June 1937 was the "Park for the German animals" opened and handed over to the care of the newly founded association "Augsburg Zoo". A time of animal idyll now followed : the beaver got used to their feeding hour, a wild horse mare tossed shortly after opening an colt, the deer multiplied, and the seals bred. Bombs put the young zoo in its rapid development to an abrupt end from 1943 to 1945. Enclosures and terrariums were totally destroyed during the day and night attacks, a zookeeper lost wife and children and the "Park for the German animals" closed. In the summer of 1946, the zoo was reopened despite the concerns of the post-war period, and 1st August 1947, Prof. Dr. Steinbacher, former director of the Frankfurt Zoo, took over the zoo management . With strong will power he removed the heavy war damage and brought back animals in the zoo. Vigorously, he pushed for the construction work , the citizens of Augsburg decided after a survey to get exotic animals to the zoo. Elephants , birds of paradise and zebras pleased the visitors. After many years of valuable service in 1978 Professor Steinbacher did take well-deserved retirement. In 1980 the reptile house and a petting zoo "Kinderland " were opened in 1981 built vocational students with professionals to new Nandu-/Alpaca stalls, 1982, the 3 -acre deer meadow was redesigned with the help of the city and the state government to the beautiful "African Panorama" and in 1985 on the occasion of the cities 2000 year celebration it opened. 1983 were the Muntjac and beaver enclosures uopened. 1986 the elephant enclosure was enlarged with a pool. It was followed by the construction of the modern entrance on Brehmplatz. From 1989 to 1995 originated a tropical house , two houses for carnivores and three mountain animal enclosures. Meanwhile, the beautiful animal park was populated by over 2000 animals from all over the world. In 2002, Dr. Barbara Jantschke became the head of the Augsburg Zoo, and has since conducted many new features and changes. The focus of the zoo was placed on the proximity to the animal. Walk-in enclosures such as the one for ring-tailed lemurs emerged. Many of the houses, stables and grounds were - often with the help of the association of Friends of the Augsburg Zoo - renovated, rehabilitated or newly built. As when the African rhinos moved to the African panorma. Cooperation with regional conservation organizations has intensified, joint projects have been implemented. On this way the meerkats could get a new home in 2006, the sea lion pool could be extendet in 2007, the baboons and African forest buffalo could move to the former rhino enclosure in 2009. In 2012 a reptile house opend, as did some bird aviaries in 2013.
Map 2013
Map 2015
Map 2018
After paying the entrance fee we are having the lion enclosure right in front of us, then following the path on the right we meet the hamadryas baboon and the onager. Opposite we have the leopard cat, striped hyena and Sumatran tiger. Acroos is an aviary fot ibises, followed by one for tropical birds living in the bird house, that we now enter. Out side again we see the Sout African fur seal and penguins. Next to the bird house is a large aviary for waders. Now we have reached a small monkey corner wirh pygmy marmosts and capuchin monkeys, as well as som aviaries for parrots. Across we find the harbour seal and next to them the flamingo. To the right we then look at coaties, maned wolves as well as some cranes. To the left are then the water buffalo and the red-necked wallaby. Across we find several enclosures for water fowl, storks and one for the beaver. To the right we then find mountain goats like the Alpine ibex, markhor and East Caucasian tur. Theire neighbours are some monkeys like the mandrill and a walk through enclosure for ring-tailed lemurs. Oposite are two lakes for cranes, water fowl and pelican. Then we look at the brown bear, befor we find some owl species and lesser flamingo. In this area we also find the mountain goat. Now we have reached a waste savannah area, home to the meerkat at one side of the house and white rhinos, giraffes, zebras and antelopes. Oposite it we find mishmi takins, bell deer befoor we reach the Asian elephants. They share their house with chimpanzees. The other side of the house is the terrarium and in front of it we find terrarium for german reptiles. Now turning right we soon after see alpacas and the nilgai. Kids will the run inside the childrens zoo to the left, home to rabbits, Guinea pigs, rats, donkeys, cattle, horses and goats. Outside again we soon se the tiger house, also home to the Amur leopards and some noctural animals. Now heading for the exit the last sop will be the lion house, home to the fennec.
DE: Dieser Zoo ist bekannt für seine grosse Savanne. Er zeigt interessant Arten wie den Onager, Daghestanischen Tur und Schneeziegen
DK: Denne have er kendt for sin store savanne. Der vises sjældenheder som onager, østkaukasisk tur og snegeden