Belgrade Zoo

City: Belgrade

Country: Serbia

Province: Belgrade

Species: 239




Opend: 12th July 1936


This capital zoo in the front and partly inside the city fortress and even has a small aquarium shop. It shows rarely seen animals like the Sibirian ibex and asian palm civet. An odity is its love for white animals, like wallabies, bisons and lions

Vis stort kort
Last visit 2018

Zooloski vrt grada Beograda
Mali Kalemegdan 8
11000 Belgrade

Phone nr 011-26-245-26

Open minimum 8am-4pm

  • Adult 650 Dinars
  • Child 450 Dinars

Annual card (valid from January-December)
  • Adult 4000 Dinars
  • Child 3000 Dinars
  • Family* 6000 Dinars
*Family cards are valid for parents and their own children

Kids will love the petting zoo


The Zoological Garden is situated in part of the Belgrade fortress, in Kalemegdan, the most important cultural-historical monument of Belgrade. The fortress was erected by the Romans on Celtic dugouts, and tore down and rebuilt by the Huns, Serbs, Hungarians, Turks, and all the other peoples who fought over our capital. Voban gave it its final appearance after 1717, when the Austrians occupied Belgrade. As time went by, the Belgrade fortress was gradually turning into a museum and park with walkways, its walls accommodating various institutions, and the Zoo among them. The Belgrade Zoological Garden was founded in 1936. It was founded by the mayor at the time, an industrialist, Mr Vlada Ilic. It was officially opened on St Peter's Day, 12 July. When it was formed, the Zoo covered a surface somewhat over 3.5 hectares, to be, rapidly, expanded to seven, and then, after the building of the "Kalemegdan Terrace" Restaurant and annexation of part of the Lower City, to somewhat over fourteen hectares, on which it saw the Second World War. However, during the Second World War, the Garden was bombed twice: first in 1941 by German fascists, and then by the Allies in 1944. Almost the whole animal stock was destroyed. Due to the demolition and the drastically reduced number of exhibits, after the war the Garden's surface unfortunately dwindled to some seven hectares which it still occupies. Since 1 May 1986 Mr Vuk Bojovic has been the Manager of the Belgrade Zoo Garden. He found this institution in a rather bad state. The animal stock was more than scarce, with only sixty animals, including birds. The facilities and cages were in bad repair, decrepit and useless. The neglected paths and green surfaces overgrown with weeds were ominously spelling the end. Despite the years of crisis and great problems, the Garden has managed to survive. Determination and hard work have given results. The Belgrade Zoological Garden has become one of the best arranged parts of Belgrade, a real oasis of beauty amidst a great city.

The ZoologicalThe Zoological Garden is situated in part of the Belgrade fortress, in  Garden is situated in part of the Belgrade fortress, in Kalemegdan, the most important cultural-historical monument of Belgrade.
The fortress was erected by the Romans on Celtic dugouts, and tore down and rebuilt by the Huns, Serbs, Hungarians, Turks, and all the other peoples who fought over our capital.
The Zoological Garden is situated in part of the Belgrade fortress, in Kalemegdan, the most important cultural-historical monument of Belgrade.
The fortress was erected by the Romans on Celtic dugouts, and tore down and rebuilt by the Huns, Serbs, Hungarians, Turks, and all the other peoples who fought over our capital. Voban gave it its final appearance after 1717 , when the Austrians occupied Belgrade.
The Zoological Garden is situated in part of the Belgrade fortress, in Kalemegdan, the most important cultural-historical monument of Belgrade.
The fortress was erected by the Romans on Celtic dugouts, and tore down and rebuilt by the Huns, Serbs, Hungarians, Turks, and all the other peoples who fought over our capital. Voban gave it its final appearance after 1717, when the Austrians occupied Belgrade.
The Zoological Garden is situated in part of the Belgrade fortress, in Kalemegdan, the most important cultural-historical monument of Belgrade.
The fortress was erected by the Romans on Celtic dugouts, and tore down and rebuilt by the Huns, Serbs, Hungarians, Turks, and all the other peoples who fought over our capital. Voban gave it its final appearance after 1717 , when the Austrians occupied Belgrade.
Map 1936 Map 2015
After paying the entrance fee and turn right to see som aviaries for birds of prey, then following the stairs down we can watch these birds from below. Here in the lower part we also find aviaries for pigeons, small parots and phesants. Also going the next stairs down and then turning right we see mouflons.  Following the path its time to see llamas, red deer, barbary sheep, bison and yak. Across are some emus, wallabies and rheas. Then going inside the terrarium with several species of snakes, here we also find the mississippi alligator and the hippopotamus. Outside again we se different seal species. At the leopard cages we then turn left and meet different wolf subspecies, to turn right again to met racoons and different domestic pigs. The monkey house can the be entered home to different lemur species and great apes, like the orang utan and the chimpanzee. Along the wall we then have several small cages for carnivores coyote and the red fox. Behind the wall, down the stairs we then are having a big lake with mute swans, following the path to the right we first se a large aviary for Ibis's  and egrets and after a while 2 aviaries for Andenean condor and the griffon vultur.  At the small lake up the stairs we turn right to meet polar bears. To the left we then have som aviaries for birds of prey like the bearded vulture and the white-tailed eagle. Going up the stairs  with the foxes to the left we follow he path and stairs to the right next to the brown bear and asian black bears.  This area is under construction, but still we find the bengal tiger here. Behind the aviaries are som stairs again and afterwards we turn right to meet African lions, Amur tigers and after a while horses. Passing a wall once more we have on the right hand canines, Himalyan tahr and Somali sheep. Heading then to the right downstairs we first meet the badger and racoons.  Taking the path to the left then its timeto meet eagle owls, jaguarundis, white wolves and the jungle cat. Following the aviaries for owls, cougar and jungle cats and afterwards the large cheetah enclosure we meet the Eurasian lynx. To the right we then have goats and to the left soon a cafe. Across it we find aviaries for parrots and behind them cuban crocodiles, fennc fox and oriental smaal.clawed otters. Going around the lake with waterfowl we see flamingos and white tigers. At the smaller lake we turn left, this area is also  home to skunks, monitors and caimans. To the right we then have the mandarin duck and then its time to enter the ungulate house. Beside the eland antelopes, zebras and giraffes we se birds like the crowned crane. Outside again and to the right we then have the Sibirean ibex, donkeys and white African lions. On the right hand we then have two large savannahs wih eland, dorcas gazelle, giraffes, zebras  as well as some water fowls in the intervening lage. Opposite is the Asian elephant, they are sharing theire house with Arabian camels. On the left hand we find eagles, crowened pigeons Before entering the elephant house we see walabies and leopard tortoise. Inside the Elephant house is a small aquarium shop. Behind it is an aviary red kangaroos ans black swans. At the white tiger we turn left towards the exit, just to meet shetland ponies, cassowarys and pigeons.

DE: Dieser Zoo liegt in der Festung von Belgrad in dessen teilen ua Bären, Löwen und Tiger leben. Im Elefantenhaus kann man Fische fürs Aquarium zu hause kaufen. Als besonderheiten zeigt der Zoo  u.a. den Sibirischen Steinbock und den Fleckenmusang

DK: Denne have ligger i Beograds fæstning i hvis dele man bl.a. kan finde bjørne, løver og tigre. I elefanthuset kan der købes fisk til akvariet der hjemme. Af sjælden viste dyr skal nævnes den sibiriske stenbuk og  den indiske palmemård
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