Parque de las Leyendas
Parque de Las Leyendas
City: Lima
Country: Peru
Province: Lima
Opend 1964
Species 215
The Zoo has 4 Areas, 3 for the local fauna and the 4th is the international. Starting with Costal Area with Armadillos, Penguins, White-tailed Deer and the Pacarana. Then looking at the Mountain Area with Guanacos, Cougars, Vicunas and the North Andean Deer. The last region is the Jungle Area with Jaguars, White-lipped Peccary, White-fronted Capuchin, Margay, Tyara and the La Plata Otter. The International Area has Giraffes, Bengal Tigers, Hippos, Ostriches and Galapagos Tortoises
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Last visited 2024
Parque de las Leyendas
Av. Parque de las Leyendas 580 - 582 - 586
San Miguel
Phone nr.: (01) 644-9200
The garden is open minimum 9am-5pm
Entrance fee
Adult 15,- PEN
Child 8,- PEN
There are interesting feedings and shows, look at the entrace for more information for the day.
The park was founded by renowned conservationist Felipe Benavides Barreda, from Lima, in the Pando area of San Miguel during the government of Fernando Belaúnde Terry in 1964. Originally named "Las Leyendas," popular usage apparently led to a change in the name to "De Las Leyendas," as it is officially known today. The name comes from the Inca and pre-Inca legends that were illustrated by Sabino Springett and displayed on walls at the entrance. These illustrations were removed around 2008, and currently, only the texts remain in the well-known attraction called the "Patio de Leyendas" (Courtyard of Legends) within the Cultural Park. In 1970, Barranco Zoo was permanently closed (currently functioning as Luis Gálvez Chipoco Stadium), and all the animals housed there were relocated from Barranco District to the park in San Miguel. Of these animals, a number still live, such as a female Tumbes crocodile known as Naylamp and two Galápagos tortoises known as Sansón and Job, both weighing 220 kg each. The three arrived at the zoo in 1963. The park, specifically the Board of Trustees (PATPAL), was under the administration of the central government for several years: initially through PARNAZ (Patronato de Parques Nacionales y Zonales) and SERPAR [es] (Servicio de Parques de Lima), later under the ministries of Housing, Presidency, and finally that of Women and Social Development. However, by the end of the 2000s, Law No. 28998 of 2007 ultimately granted the administration of the park to the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima.
Map 2010
Map 2015
Map 2024
After paying the entrance fee we turn left to see the Virginia deer. This is the costal area with sea lions, penguins, crocodiles and an aviary for sea birds. To the left is an aviary where we meet peacocks. Following the ruins we have the living laboratory with butterflies. In the ruin area we meet horses. Then its time for the lake area, by boat you can se Machu Picchu. Next to it is the botanical garden. To the north is the farm area with cattles, goats and sheeps. Now we entered the international area with hippos, giraffes, zebras, red kangaroos and Indian rhino. Next we meet the cats - lions and tigers. This area is also home to the Herpetarium with snakes as well asKalinowski musem. This is a zoology museum. To the south we see the Amazon Rainforest area with pecaries, monkeys, giant otters, spectacled bears and the jaguar. The last area is the Andean area with condors, Vicunas, Alpacas and culpeo
DE: Der grösste Zoo von Peru zeigt Rote Uakari, Panzernashörner und Nordandenhirsch. Wohl der einzige Zoo mit 2200 Jahre alte Prekolumbianische Ruinen
DK: Perus største zoo vider rød uakari, pansernæsehorn og Peruansk Huemul. Sandsynligvis den eneste zoo med 2200 år gamle præcolumbianske ruiner