Oceanworld Aquarium

Map 2015 Map 2020




City: Dingle

Country: Ireland

Province: Munster

Opend 1996



Species 100



Amazonian Displays
The Amazonian Displays are made up of 7 different tanks based on the inhabitants of the River Amazon. The Amazon is the second longest river in the world (the Nile being the longest), however the Amazon has by far the greatest total flow of any river and the largest drainage area. The Amazon and its tributaries flow through the Countries of Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil before emptying into the Atlantic Ocean. The mouth of the Amazon River at the Atlantic Ocean is over 200 miles wide. The largest Amazonian species we have on display are the Tiger Shovelnose Catfish and Pacu and Oscar Cichlids. We also have Deadly Piranhas on display, the Piranhas teeth are razor sharp like the edge of a saw. They are attracted to blood so injured animals or fish are often attacked by shoals of piranha. Large shoals of piranhas can strip a cow to the bone within a few hours.

Shark Tank
The Shark Tank is the largest tank in the aquarium which holds over 150,000 gallons of water, it represents deeper areas of coral reef which are home to a variety of sizes of fish and mammals. There are three species of shark in the tank, from the Indo-pacific Oceans and the coast of Australia. The smaller species are the black-tip reef shark and the white-tip reef sharks. The largest and most fearsome sharks are The Sand Tiger shark, these can grow up to 3 metres and weigh between 100-150kg.



Tropical Marine Tanks
Probably the most popular resident in the Tropical Marine tanks is the Clown fish, although most children know him as ‘Nemo’. Another character from the film ‘Finding Nemo’ is ‘Dory’ the Sapphire Devil. These fish are from the Indo-Pacific Ocean, the temperature of the tank is around 25- 26 degrees most of the coral reefs are in these oceans. Other friends from Nemo are “Bubbles” the yellow Tang, the Longnose Butterflyfish, the Cowfish and several Damselfish.



Touch Tank
The residents of our touch pool can all be found close to the shore locally. Thornback rays are the most friendly and inquisitive species in the tank and like to be stroked along their ‘wings’ The lesser spotted or rough hound dogfish is the most common shark found in European waters. Other flatfish found in the Touch Tank are turbot, halibut, plaice and flounder.


Native Freshwater Tank
The Species of fish in this tank can be found in lakes and rivers around Ireland. The type of fish in this tank are Artic Char, Brown Trout and Pike.


Ocean Tunnel
The Ocean Tunnel tank gives the visitor a new perspective on life under the water as you see the fish swimming or resting above you. Here you will see Lobsters, Spider Crabs, Dogfish often resting on the glass above you, Mullet, Plaice, Stingrays, Undulate Rays, Wreckfish and Conger Eels.



Polar Penguin Exhibition

Meet Gentoo and Rockhopper Penguins

Service given


Open : 10 am - 5 pm

Closed Christmasweek

Entrace fee: Yes

For kids: Playgrounds and pettingarea

Food: The Aquarium has a place where you can get a snack


Taking photos: Is allowed, if publiciesed, please mention the aquarium on your homepage










Phone number (0)66 91 52 111

Fax number (0)66 91 52 155

Address: Dingle Oceanworld, The Wood, Dingle, Co. Kerry, Ireland

E-mail: marabeo@iol.ie

Website: www.dingle-oceanworld.ie








Where to finde the Park:

I don't have any guides of this aquarium. Does any body know if they made any guides? And where I can get some guides of Dingle Ocean World?



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