Odense Zoo


City: Odense
Country: Denmark
Region: South Denmark
Opend 1930

Species 110


This small zoo is one of the better known in Denmark, having several TV programs making some of its animals famous. It has won the price as Europes best zoo with up to 500.000 visitors

Last visited 2024


Odense Zoo

Søndre Blvd. 306
5000 Odense C





Phone nr.: 66 11 13 60
E-mail odensezoo@odensezoo.dk



Open minimum 9am - 4 pm



  • Adult 225,- DKK
  • Child 125,- DKK

Annual card**

  • Adult 495,- DKK
  • Child 300,- DKK

** One free entrance to: Aalborg Zoo, Givskud Zoo, , Ree Park Ebeltoft and Jesperhus Nykøbing Mors


Odense Zoo, located at Søndre Boulevard in Odense, opened on 16 May 1930 under the name Odense Dyrehave, but changed to its current name in 1933. At the time of its opening in 1930, the zoo had two moneys, a peacock, a deer, a mule, magpies, and guinea pigs. The zoo was owned by Christian Jensen (1900?-1950), but was handed over in 1980 by his family to Odense Municipality as an independent institution. In 1983, the garden was state-recognised. Odense Zoo is located on both sides of Odense Å, connected by three footbridges. The area of the garden includes, among other things, the area on which Funen's Tivoli was located. The Tivoli had been opened in 1946 by Christian Jensen, whose family sold it in 1962. After Funen's Tivoli closed, the land was bought back in 1994. In 1995, the garden was further expanded with an area of 3.6 ha. In 2001, Odense Zoo inaugurated a DKK 60 million "Oceanium" featuring South American animal life, ranging from the Amazon Rainforest to Antarctica.

Map 2020
After paying the entrance fee you meet meercats and down towards the bridge. Below it we find Grey angaroos. Crossing Odense Å seing camls and on the left Amur tigers. Beyond is Reindeer enclosure. Then its time to enter the large aviary for storks, pelicans and other sea fowl. In this area are Aldebra Tortoises and ring-tailed lemurs. Next we enter the African area with chimpanzees, lions and a big savannah with giraffes and zebras. Crossing the bridge we meet Alpacas and after that squirrel monkeys. Now in the childrens zoo we see cows and Shetland ponies. Entering the oceanarium we meet South American tapirs, capybaras and several species of birds. Inside its time to see sea cows, crocodyles and arctic penguins. Outside again we see sea lions and beyond the macaws as well as pig-tailed monkeys. Following the path back to the entrance we meet the lesser panda.

DE: Dieser Garten zeigt seltenheiten wie Seeühe, Königsspinguine und Graue Riesenkänguruhs. Der Zoo verfügt über ein Ozeanarium

DK: Denne have har sjældenheder som søkøer, kongepingviner og gråkænguruer. Der er et Oceanarium
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