Dushanbe Zoopark

City: Dushanbe

Contry: Tajikistan

Province: Districts of Republican Subordination

Opend 23.09.1960


Species 114






Today, the number of animals kept is about 600. Dushanbe Zoo is the only institution in the country that supports wildlife in captivity. Animals of both indigenous and foreign species of Asian and African fauna are kept here. Of the exotic animals, some African and Asian primates are kept here. Of the large cats family there are lions, jaguars and snow leopards. Of local fauna, brown bears, black bears, bactrian camels, donkeys , wolfs, jackals, fox's, raccon's, and some birds like owls, vultures, golden eagles are presented here. Also some reptiles, like snakes, caymans, lizards are displayed indoors. None of the animals enjoy their natural habitat and are kept in cages that are inappropriate for their sizes. The conditions are very harsh for the animals, especially as specialized care is not available.

The Downtown zoo is neglected, a new zoo is planned but still needs investors

Service given


Open : minimum 9am-5pm

Entrace fee: Yes

For kids: Playgrounds and pettingarea

Food: The Zoo has a place where you can get a snack


Taking photos: Is allowed, if publiciesed, please mention the zoo on your homepage










Phone number 992-236-7577

Address: Dushanbe Zoo, 26 Somoni Street , Dushanbe,734000, Tajikistan

E-mail: youth_opportunities@tajikngo.org





Where to finde the Park:

I don't have any guides of this zoo. Does any body know if they made any guides? And where I can get any guides of Dushanbe Zoo?


In the years 1985 and 2010 they had theire anniversarrys. Have they made any books on this occassion?

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